Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Message Of Reality And Society - 2548 Words

J. Cole: The Message of Reality and Society The songs â€Å"Crooked Smiles† and â€Å"Lost Ones† produced by J. Cole contributes many inspirational messages that would make one stop, look, and question reality itself. They both have similarities that blend well to his own perspectives about humanity. He uses organization towards the different perspectives of women and men. He implies dark and powerful messages on how society has grown to be a rotten apple within, with a beautiful outer sight. A certain type of powerful message that shows society the respect he gives towards a lost one. Cole connects deep metal causes and effects to the type of reality we live till this day. He’s hood enough to be real, yet not ignorant. Being a hip-hop rapper in the industry equals to great power and great opportunity to be an influence or be in influenced. The messages behind his original and lyrical videos give the audience a sense of depth and connection towards the struggles of life. Ever since he was a youngster he has always been influenced towards the struggle and the importance of economic value. He includes the people’s perspectives, gender values, and the guidance on how money is such a reliable object. Cole implies setting, organization towards the characters, the value of life, and sends deep messages to the audience about abortion including how he is different from other rappers in the industry. He also mentions that there is depth in his lyrics, how he has become a role model to many,Show MoreRelatedReality Television Is Good For Us950 Words   |  4 Pagescitizens. And with reality T.V, it changed the television industry forever. In today s society, Reality Television plays an important role in people s everyday lives. Jeremy W. Peters, the author of â€Å"When Reality TV Gets Too Real† argued that there should be a limit for how far an reality T.V should go. 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