Friday, August 21, 2020

Oral Communication Essays - Communication Studies,

Oral Communication Once saw as two separate orders, business and correspondence, have now fit together to deliver a crossover business condition in which the regular elements of business are personally attached to correspondence (Pincus, 1997). Correspondence in the business world is basic for progress. This remains constant for relational correspondence, correspondence among the board and staff, and for all intents and purposes each other contact a business has, both inside its own foundation and the outside world. Powerful correspondence is basic for the accomplishment of any association. Using legitimate relational abilities, people will be better ready to work as a gathering, in this way permitting associations to share data, break down circumstances and to set objectives (Nelton, 1995). Conveying appropriately among peers improves a person's inside and out aptitudes. The more effectively a business capacities the better it empowers workers to perform employments better. Directors pass on data and train subordinates all the more viably, and when all is said in done a business has a superior possibility of benefitting. In the present fierce monetary condition and quick innovative change, correspondence is basic in permitting a business to manage the rebuilding of national and worldwide economies, in forestalling market immersion, and in permitting a business to manage their rivals all the more successfully (Nelton, 1995, PG). Cushman and King (1997) have proposed the ?fast administration? to depict this new business condition. They underline the significance of correspondence in this hypothesis and reason that: ?In the last examination it is the imaginative, versatile, adaptable, productive, and fast utilization of data and correspondence which permits an association to reorient quickly and effectively in an unpredictable business condition.? Another significant factor in the changing industry condition is that of globalization (Nelton, 1995). It is extremely apparent when we take a gander at the present condition of world undertakings that our reality is turning into a littler spot. We currently have for the time being conveyance of bundles, email correspondence and the famous cell correspondence. Globalization and expanded worldwide business can be straightforwardly ascribed to broad communications and mass travel. With new advancements, for example, videophone, Internet visit and Internet meeting rooms the idea of globalization turns into a reality for even the littlest of organizations. The idea of globalization now and again moves toward this change as being one which either ought to or will bring about a total homogenization of culture and the development of a bound together worldwide network. At any rate globalization will bring about various unmistakable fringe societies, which are mixtures of collaborating societ ies. This means the shrewd representative not just must be set up to speak with those of their own way of life yet in addition with different societies (Nelton, 1995). Numerous undeniable precipitators of this expanded business contact between the world's societies can be ascribed to this globalization wonder. One reason is worldwide understandings, for example, the North American Free Trade Agreement. The North American Free Trade Agreement was started between the United States, Canada, and Mexico on January 1, 1994. This understanding alluded to as the ?exchange understanding? has hugy affected trade of material and social merchandise between the United States and different countries in North America just as on the level of business correspondence which happens between these nations. Expanded business assorted variety isn't just happening a result of variables, for example, the North American Free Trade Agreement, it is additionally happening a direct result of a more noteworthy number of societies inside business itself. Ladies in the working environment are likewise making the work power progressively expanded and expanding the requirement for increasingly viable relational abilities (Nelton, 1995). Conversational styles and relational abilities change among societies and sexes (Nelton, 1995). It has been noted with respect to the expanded business contact between societies because of globalization; expanded assorted variety in the work environment itself, regardless of whether through the nearness of an expanded number of societies or through the nearness of a more noteworthy number of ladies; organizations should now dedicate more prominent measures of exertion toward correspondence in acknowledgment of the distinctive correspondence styles which exist (Nelton, 1995). Deborah Tannen, creator of ?Talking from Nine to Five? states: ?Every individual has an interesting style, affected by an individual history of numerous impacts, for example, geographic area, ethnicity, class, sexual

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Essay Writing Tips - How to Write Essays in Hindi Topics

Essay Writing Tips - How to Write Essays in Hindi TopicsIf you are finding it very difficult to write essays in Hindi, it is the right time to do it as it is one of the most popular Indian languages. Many students find it difficult to express themselves in Hindi due to the cultural, regional and social differences in this country. However, if you can understand the language, then it is easier for you to write in this language.You need to focus on your topic as you are writing your essay. It is very important to understand what your essay is about. Don't try to come up with an essay in Hindi that looks like something else. Use different types of words and phrases but use the same basic idea or theme. Then come up with a title for your essay and put the main points in the body of the essay.Make sure that you have a clear and concise title that gives out your subject matter in an easily understandable manner. Make sure that you have clear and precise explanation of the topic. In order t o make your essay interesting, you need to use the right words. The paragraphs need to flow and not be so long that you end up going crazy.Look for the right topic and then start to write. Use your own and others' experiences to help you figure out the main topic of your essay. Then relate your main ideas and points of view to the main topic line.Then give your main points in a strong manner and support your main points with facts and figures. The conclusion needs to be concise and useful for the reader.The student needs to be able to understand and analyze your essay. If they can't understand it properly, then you need to take the liberty of rewriting the essay. This will help you to avoid writing mistakes that can be costly.Use various parts of the essay as you are writing it. Then make sure that you know how to finish it properly.After the different parts of the essay have been written, it is time to check it and ensure that it has been written in an effective way. Once you check it, make sure that you go through it again until you get it right.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Sigmund Freud And Humanistic Theories Of Psychology

Introduction The reading of personality has a thick layer of theories in psychology and is one of the most important fragments of psychological history to this day. This paper will compare and contrast the differences between the great theories of the psychodynamic theory from Sigmund Freud and the humanistic theory from Carl Rogers. These two theorists have different views of how personality is developed, with both theorists influencing the world of psychological personality to this day. Disputes between both theorists exist with both of them having complete different views on personality and how personality influences a person. The main issues of this paper are going to be about the basic theory and research methods that Freud and Rogers used in their Psychodynamic and Humanistic theories of psychology respectively. Sigmund Freud argued that personality is developed and motivated by instinctual drives that generate psychic energy if not discharged and may lead to psychological and physical issues. Sigmund Freud explained that these instinctual drives were rooted to disturbing events that somebody had gone through their lifetime, and is deep-rooted in the unconscious part of out mind. According to Sigmund Freud the unconscious part of our mind influenced the day-to-day life of a person and actions that the conscious and behavioral part of our mind. As a result Sigmund Freud developed a psychoanalytic method called free association. This method that Sigmund FreudShow MoreRelatedPsychodynamic And Humanistic Theories Of Psychology1634 Words   |  7 PagesPsychodynamic and Humanistic Personality Theories The study of the human mind is an interesting topic to discuss about, we have many theorists that have come up with many different ideas or theories, in how to evaluate the mind of humans, two main ways to study the mind in psychology are psychodynamic approach and humanistic approach. Even though these theories are to evaluate human minds they have different views in how the mind works. In psychodynamic approach, the way the mind is viewed is thatRead MoreThe Three Fronts Of Contemporary Psychology946 Words   |  4 PagesThe three fronts of contemporary psychology are behavioristic, humanistic and psychoanalytic. Behaviorism was labeled the primary front of psychology, and was a belief that behaviors can be measured, trained or changed. This is similar to how one person acts, compared to another person. 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Of the one-hundred, Edward Titchener returned toRead MoreComparing The Work Of Sigmund Freud And A Neo Analytical Theorist1290 Words   |  6 PagesContrasting Personality Theories: Analysis of Freud and Karen Horney Yorkville University Alanna Sampson â€Æ' Abstract The purpose of this paper is to provide an analysis of the work of Sigmund Freud and a neo-analytical theorist. This paper will compare the work of Freud and Karen Horney and begins with an introduction to the study of personality and an identification of the key elements in Freud and Horney’s theories. The paper then moves into an analysis of where Horney and Freud would find agreementRead MoreMajor Schools of Thought in Psychology829 Words   |  4 PagesSchools of Thought Throughout psychology s history, a number of different schools of thought have been formed to explain human thought and behaviour. These schools of thought often rise to dominance for a period of time. While these schools of thought are sometimes perceived as competing forces, each perspective has contributed to our understanding of psychology. The following are some of the major schools of thought in psychology. †¢ Structuralism †¢ Functionalism †¢ Psychoanalysis †¢ Behaviourism

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Message Of Reality And Society - 2548 Words

J. Cole: The Message of Reality and Society The songs â€Å"Crooked Smiles† and â€Å"Lost Ones† produced by J. Cole contributes many inspirational messages that would make one stop, look, and question reality itself. They both have similarities that blend well to his own perspectives about humanity. He uses organization towards the different perspectives of women and men. He implies dark and powerful messages on how society has grown to be a rotten apple within, with a beautiful outer sight. A certain type of powerful message that shows society the respect he gives towards a lost one. Cole connects deep metal causes and effects to the type of reality we live till this day. He’s hood enough to be real, yet not ignorant. Being a hip-hop rapper in the industry equals to great power and great opportunity to be an influence or be in influenced. The messages behind his original and lyrical videos give the audience a sense of depth and connection towards the struggles of life. Ever since he was a youngster he has always been influenced towards the struggle and the importance of economic value. He includes the people’s perspectives, gender values, and the guidance on how money is such a reliable object. Cole implies setting, organization towards the characters, the value of life, and sends deep messages to the audience about abortion including how he is different from other rappers in the industry. He also mentions that there is depth in his lyrics, how he has become a role model to many,Show MoreRelatedReality Television Is Good For Us950 Words   |  4 Pagescitizens. And with reality T.V, it changed the television industry forever. In today s society, Reality Television plays an important role in people s everyday lives. Jeremy W. Peters, the author of â€Å"When Reality TV Gets Too Real† argued that there should be a limit for how far an reality T.V should go. While James Poniewozik the author of â€Å"Why Reality TV Is Good f or Us† said that reality T.V was the best thing to happen to television. Some might say television is bad for the society, and some mightRead MoreThe Effects Of Reality Television On Our Lives901 Words   |  4 Pagesa fan of reality television and has written this article to show the effect of reality television in the world we live in today and the messages they are sending to their audiences. Haggerty focuses on popular reality television shows, such as Keeping up with the Kardashians and the Real World, and how their messages can negatively affect the viewers of these shows. She also talks about how these reality shows have an impact on our lives, from perspectives on beauty standards, messages of violenceRead More The Bachelor the Bachelorette: Can’t Buy Me Love? Essay919 Words   |  4 Pagesreveal all—reality TV. This new segment of the TV industry began with pioneering shows like MTV’s The Real World and CBS’s Survivor. Switch on primet ime television nowadays, and you will become bombarded by and addicted to numerous shows all based on â€Å"real† life. There are the heartwarming tales of childbirth on TLC, melodramas of second-rate celebrities on Celebrity Mole, and a look into a completely dysfunctional family on The Osbornes. Yet, out of all these entertaining reality shows arisesRead MoreHunger Games meets Reality971 Words   |  4 Pagesdifferent light. They usually choose to exaggerate them so readers can see how their society might look in the future, especially if they ignore issues that can grow and become problems. In the case of The Hunger Games (HG), the author, Suzanne Collins, explores issues like the huge inequality of wealth and how the power of television can influence our lives. She does this by portraying the HG as an extreme reality game show where teenagers fight to the death. By highlighting some important connectionsRead MoreThe Language of Publicity1492 Words   |  6 Pagespu blicity. Publicity provides culture with images that convey meaning and messages. Images are the strongest, most powerful aspect publicity holds. In Ways of Seeing, John Berger identifies the relationship between two media images, modern day publicity and the language of traditional oil painting. These images intend to demonstrate reality to the spectator but not a reality of the common life, a socially constructed reality called glamour. As Americans, our lives revolve around publicityRead MoreSocial Media and Personal Relationships1149 Words   |  5 Pagesof the organization, or the way society is organized that is more important than the individual. For this theory, individuals are born into society, then become products of the social influences that surround them as soon as they are properly socialized by family, education, media and religion (culture) (Miller,, 2009). Social networks, then, play the role of an extended society within this view. The role of the network is to create an alternative for society, and the individual to participateRead MoreCritique on the Criminal Justice System and Social Media764 Words   |  4 PagesInteresting Points: a. An interesting point I found was the contribution of the criminal justice system to an ideology. The ideology is explained as the set of beliefs that formulate and justify the existing state of affairs and its unfairness. The message being conveyed by the criminal justice system is that the result of criminality is from a single persons weakness versus the inequities of the social class (177, 2). I find this interesting that the failures of the individual is being the pinpointRead MoreJean Baudrillard : An Influential Thinker1379 Words   |  6 PagesConsumer Society, which he shed light on the subject and object of consumption, around which contemporary societies are organized. A few years later, he published Simulacra and Simulation, and implemented the hyper reality, by which objects are to be false and hidden from the truth. Baudrillard, an early admirer of McLuhan, expands his research and analysis on McLuhan’s idea that the ‘the medium is the messageâ€℠¢ - distancing and separating from the Marxism. By â€Å" the medium is the message†, McLuhansRead MoreThe Effects Of Mass Media And Communication On The Society1674 Words   |  7 PagesMedia Message Introduction Behavioral sciences play a central role in figuring out the likely effect of mass media and communication in the society. Different theories and approaches are used to figure this out. This study refers to the Uses and Gratifications, and Cultivation theories to consider the effect of the media article below on individuals. The uses and gratification theory argues that consumers of a given media uses this media to satisfy and fulfill specific desires and needs. On theRead MoreLord Of The Flies Literary Analysis1101 Words   |  5 PagesIrony is a literary technique utilized by writers in an attempt to convey a message different than its literal meaning. For this reason, this technique used often in satirical writing, such as Lord of The Flies by William Golding. Irony is an important element in literature as it provides writers with a vehicle to communicate a deeper, more meaningful message. In his literary critique, How To Read Literature Like a Professor, Thomas C. Foster emphasiz es the significance of irony in literature, stating

Bluetooth Essay Research Paper Bluetooth HistoryWhy does free essay sample

Bluetooth Essay, Research Paper Bluetooth History Why does Bluetooth have the most industry bombilation? # 8220 ; You have to appreciate the history of Bluetooth, # 8221 ; said David McCall, senior applications engineer at chipmaker Cambridge Silicon Radio ( CSR ) in the UK. # 8220 ; The first thing about Bluetooth that the people at Ericsson talked about about five old ages ago was a selling papers. # 8220 ; They saw the planetary market for a low-power, short scope radio LAN solution, and Bluetooth # 8217 ; s proficient paperss grew from that marketing papers. This is reflected in the applications included in the 13 Bluetooth profiles, # 8221 ; largely for PC-centric devices. # 8220 ; Ericsson rapidly decided non to maintain Bluetooth to themselves and non to bear down a license fee, # 8221 ; he continued, # 8220 ; because they recognized from the start that holding a big piece of a little pie was non every bit good as holding a sensible piece of a big pie that # 8217 ; s growing. # 8221 ; Cahners In-Stat estimations there will be approximately 1. 5 billion Bluetooth devices in the universe by 2004. Already in the market place are 128 # 8220 ; Bluetooth-qualified # 8221 ; consumer electronics merchandises with Bluetooth chipsets # 8212 ; laptops, PDAs, pressmans, cellular telephones, headsets, mp3 participants, and other devices, Signing Bluetooth # 8217 ; s range into overseas telegram, Scientific-Atlanta agreed to back up a Bluetooth PCMCIA smartcard with a slot in the advanced Explorer digital set-top boxes. # 8220 ; If you look at Bluetooth development from the point of view of overseas telegram makers, # 8221 ; said Joyce Putscher, manager of consumer and meeting markets and engineering research for Cahners In-Stat Group, # 8220 ; the one prevailing interface is Ethernet. Cable modems have Ethernet ports. All you need make is widen that into the overseas telegram set top box, so you can entree a place web from the modem or the box. # 8221 ; # 8220 ; One of the characteristics that makes Bluetooth engineering attractive to a figure of companies is that it is designed to be really low cost, # 8221 ; said wireless analyst Navin Sabharwal, VP of residential and networking engineerings at Allied Business Intelligence. # 8220 ; When Bluetooth version 1.1 is finalized this twelvemonth, its capablenesss will go more robust, but overseas telegram applications are unsure. Among the 13 Bluetooth application profiles, non one is specifically for overseas telegram place networking, but the wireline profile can be applied. # 8221 ; Craddock described deliberations at Comcast. # 8220 ; We saw that Bluetooth, 802.11 and HomeRF all compete in the same [ 2.4 MHz ] bandwidth, and we felt merely 802 could truly present the bandwidth and scope we needed. We still feel that manner, but Bluetooth will be in a batch of devices irrespective of anything we do. To disregard it means we ignore all those devices, which we can # 8217 ; t do. So we will hold a Bluetooth interface to speak with those devic es.† Hazards and Benefits Do wellness concerns about radio cellular telephones apply to wireless place webs? # 8220 ; I # 8217 ; ve non heard of wellness issues raised about it, # 8221 ; Kreig said. # 8220 ; If you take the power degrees acceptable for cellular nomadic phones and use them to other exposures, radiation diminishes markedly with distance from the beginning, so I think one would happen the exposures are instead less for place web with lower power degrees. However, there is no litmus trial on [ RF ] radiation. # 8221 ; The deficiency of research to develop a litmus trial is precisely what bothers some radio critics, who fear the industry might one twenty-four hours be found apt for harming public wellness, treated in tribunal kindred to tobacco. This hazard offputs overseas telegram operators. Shielded coax overseas telegrams emit low EM Fieldss, and laser-pulse fibre lines even less radiation. Why take a opportunity? Harmonizing to David Ethridge, manager of merchandise selling for Ericsson place communications, # 8220 ; Bluetooth offers many benefits for digital overseas telegram operators utilizing a Bluetooth entree point in the home. # 8221 ; Options include household mechanization though the Television set, such as commanding the thermoregulator or security system. A Bluetooth nexus to a computing machine pressman can present overseas telegram vouchers and particular publicities. Synergistic Television applications include utilizing Bluetooth to sync up a set-top # 8217 ; s box with the channel penchants of a individual walking into the room, picking up the character # 8217 ; s individuality from a PDA or cellular telephone. Or the Bluetooth web could alarm the place endorser ( utilizing any device ) when a plan about a pre-selected subject is scheduled, so inquire if the show should it be recorded to the set-top difficult disc. # 8220 ; I can easy conceive of overseas telegram operators proactively forcing Bluetooth services to their clients, # 8221 ; Ethridge said. # 8220 ; They don # 8217 ; Ts have to halt at selling overseas telegram modems and hard-wired place webs. When all the devices in the place can acknowledge each other with Bluetooth, think of the possibilities. # 8221 ; # 8220 ; Some major overseas telegram participants are looking into radio, # 8221 ; said Putscher, # 8220 ; but it # 8217 ; s so early in the market that no 1 is ready to speak about it publically yet. # 8221 ; # 8220 ; The migration of a radio overseas telegram interface from the overseas telegram modem to the overseas telegram box and so a place web terminus will non take topographic point overnight, # 8221 ; she said. Look at how long it # 8217 ; s taken to set a overseas telegram modem into the set-top box. Cable modems were in merely 18 per centum of all the digital boxes in 1999, yet In-Stat undertakings that modems to be in 89 per centum of the boxes by 2004. # 8221 ; Putscher expects slower overseas telegram incursion for Bluetooth. # 8220 ; I # 8217 ; ve talk with overseas telegram people who say they won # 8217 ; t be ready to do any Bluetooth proclamations for at least six months. Talk to me then. # 8221 ;

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Why did conflicts in Yugoslavia lead to war in the 1990s

Introduction The essay is a critically analysis of the reason why conflict in Yugoslavia led to war in the 1990s. According to Welch, 1993 conflict has been defined in various ways but one definition adopted for the sake of the paper is a scenario in which there exist or thought resistance to main beliefs, opinion, dreams, needs and aspiration, norms due to differences in views between individuals and can be instigated by political, economical, environmental or societal aspects (Cohen, 1993).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Why did conflicts in Yugoslavia lead to war in the 1990s? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More On the other hand, war has been defined as armed conflict that is open in nature that takes place between two or more groups of parties that are organized. This usually continues in phases termed as clashes and mainly entails dispute concerning power as well as governance and territorial supremacy. It is worth mentioning that war can be between and among nation or even individuals of a given country usually based on drawn ethnic and or religious lines. The term coined to refer to the war is Yugoslav war which refers to a sequence of campaigns carried out by military between the years 1991 and 1995 in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The war just like any other kind of war was very complex and linked with bitter ethnic conflict among Yugoslavians. Those involved in the conflict included in one side Serbs and some Montenegrins and Bosnia’s and Coats as well as some Slovenes. It is important to have in mind that in Bosnia conflict between Bosnia’s and Croats was also experienced. The war did take place in three major phases that are deemed separate but closely linked. War in Slovenia that took place in 1991, Bosnian War experienced between 1992 and 1995 and Croatian War of Independence that took place between 1991 and 1995. All the war ended in different tim es bringing with it full independence as well as sovereignty but at the same time huge losses in economic terms. According to Glenny, 1999 it is estimated that between 130, 000 to 140,000 individuals died as a result of the Yugoslav War instigated by conflict between individuals living in the former the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Conflicts and war in Yugoslavia It is true that conflict if not resolved at an earlier stage, do lead to very serious issues that are characterized by massive loss of human lives, destruction of wealth and property, environmental degradation as well as huge economic losses (Gowan, 1999). Tension among individuals living in Yugoslavia begun to mount back in 1980. It is only in 1990s that it was very evident and more likely that war will erupt. This is attributed to the fact that t the time, there was hard time in economic terms coupled with mounting desire of nationalism clearly depicted by the various ethnic inhabitants of Yugoslavia.Advertis ing Looking for essay on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Broadly speaking there are four major reasons why conflict in Yugoslavia led to the 1991 to 1995 war; these are not adequately or completely failing to address underlying causes of conflicts between and among worrying groups, internal as well as external disagreement as well as fragmentation within and without the parties involved in a conflicts, simple acts of insincerity by the parties in loggerheads and finally disappointment on the parts of one or the groups involved in conflicts. Historians, ethnographers as well as other scholars do agree that War in Yugoslavia was a complex issue but coin conflict based on dominance to power as the major cause (Horowitz, 1985). It is worth noting that the monarchist of Yugoslavia made up of various ethnic grouping as well as Serbs being politically and demographically dominant over the rest of ethnic group ing laid ground of insurgence of major tension. Various ethnic groups were of varied opinion of how the state will be. The Croats had in back of their mind that they will enjoy a greater degree of self-governance compared to when they were under Austria-Hungary. On the other hand, the Serbs held the view that being indpenent will be their reward for immensly supporting allies in the First World War (Lampe, 2000). This tension in most cases did erupt into what has been termed as â€Å"open conflict†. Since the security portfolio was made up of most Serbs, they used the influence they had to oppress the rest especially during election as well as killing leaders from the other ethnic groups that strongly opposed monarchy system of governance. As stated previously, various acts of insincerity contributed to more tension that resulted to conflict and later instigated war in Yugoslavia. This usually takes various forms ranging from failing to keep an agreement arrived at or taking actions that are aimed at annoying the other party. For instance, although the dominant Serbs party was ready to do away with one party system which was agreed upon in 1990 at Extraordinary Congress of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia, the voting was blocked by party leader. The act lead to delegates from Slovene and Croatian to walk out which resulted to breaking of the party-thus the termination of â€Å"brotherhood unity† among them. Another act of insincerity emerged when the Axis Forces took control of a puppet state belonging to Croats. Ustasha was put to be in charge of that state. The Serbians who were at the time the minority ethnic group were to be persecuted. Similarly, recruiting Croats and those who professed Islamic faith by SS constituted an hidden agenda.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Why did conflicts in Yugoslavia lead to war in the 1990s? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More On the other hand recruitment of Serbs into Gestapo as well as a volunteer group of Serbian Soldiers are act of insincerity (Judah, 1997). Failure of one or both of agreement signatories did instigate war in Yugoslavia. A typical example of an agreement that was not honored is the Karadordevo agreement between Tudman and Slobodan. Although a new Yugoslavia federal governance structure was in place, members especially from Slovenes, Serbs and Croats side reputedly argued to have autonomy and unitarist. The previous reasons discussed did lead to one or more of the involved parties to be disappointed. As suggested by Lampe, 2000 the disappointment automatically resulted to a number of ethnic groups to officially cut ties with the other-secession. A clear and well documented war that erupted as a result of Secession is the Croatian war of independence. The war, begun after the Serbs living in Croatia were opposing the independence of Croatian. They immediately declared their secession from tha t state. Additionally, the legal cutting of links between Slovenia from the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was the cause of what has been widely known as the Ten Day War. During this time, the government gave an order to the Yugoslav People’s Army to fully control borders leading to Slovenia. As a counter attack police together with Slovenian Territorial Defence blocked roads (Keegan, 1994). This led to a number of people losing their lives. Negotiation held resulted to stoppage of the conflict. There has been growing undisputed evidence that most of the wars experienced in early 19th throughout 20th centaury are as a result of not adequately addressing the actual underlying issues that bring about conflicts between groups (Judah, 1997) . The failure of the relevant parties to come on a round table and exhaustively tackle mostly the long-term causes of conflict such as unequal power distribution as well as national resources means that whatever efforts are made to r econstruct what has been damaged will be doomed (Little Silber, 1995). A number of observers five years down the line after the signing of Dayton Agreement meant to bring to an end the Bosnia-Herzegovina war held the opinion that if peacekeepers withdraw their support fresh fighting will come to light. As suggested by Pavkovic, 2000 this notion is based on chronological of events since 1172 to 1990. Not addressing and bringing to book the atrocities committed for instance by Ustasha regime did psychologically affected Jews, Muslims, Communists, non-Catholics and Roma. Internal differences also did contribute to war in Yugoslavia. From a religious point of view leaders did held differing opinion on how the conflict could be addressed. There were those who fully in support of NATO Bombing as being the only way to bring peace (Gowan, 1999).Advertising Looking for essay on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More On the other hand, there was a group of Serbian Orthodox that pushed to have cease fire in place. These two acts led to resentment which later catalyzed bad blood between the involved parties. As noted by Bennett 1995, the memories left by the horror of the bombing do perpetuate a bitter sense of group identity which acts as a reservoir in which mobilization ethnic or political for the future. Similarly although Yugoslavia was made up of various ethnic groups, ethnic politics by former leaders such as Tito did instigate the war in 1990s. These kinds of leaders mastered how they injected ethnic differences into wining political loyalty (Horowitz, 1985). Coupled with politicization of ethnic identity of each and every group, proved to be lethal. For instance, during his reign, Tito who was a dictator granted autonomy to two provinces in northeastern and southern provinces of Vojvodina and Kosovo respectively. This angered the Serbs. This was another roar of bad blood between the vario us ethnic groups. Additionally, it is worth noting that another reason that made the conflict in Yugoslavia to erupt into war is how the various ethnic leaders politically mobilized their followers/subjects. Milosvic, the Serbian leader, Kucan Milan Slovenia leader, Franjo (Croatia) and Izetbegovic (Bosnia) all played nationalist role that propelled them to the realm (Ernest, 1983). All used national injustice s a theme to win support of their subjects; it is acknowledge that their efforts which were always competing as regards injustice contributed to the complex mix that rendered Yugoslavia a torn nation. Last but not least, ethnic cleansing can also explain why conflict in Yugoslavia led to war. This was mainly used against Bosnian as women were raped and put in captivity till they are about to deliver (Keegan, 1994). Ethnic cleansing was aimed at displacing the ethnic group under spot light. What this resulted to was seeds of bitterness on the targeted groups that later organize d themselves for a revenge. The war was brought to an end by the signing of Dayton Agreement in 1995. Between 1996 and 1999 war being experienced by was less intense and dominated by NATO bombings (Pavkovic, 2000) Conclusion From the review of why did conflicts in Yugoslavia lead to war in the 1990s, it is apparent that war is an armed conflict between two more groups that are centrally organized. Generally speaking, the major reasons why Yugoslavia war erupted include failure to adequately address past long-term causes of conflicts, disappointments of one or both parties involved in a conflict, failure to honor peace agreement, insincerity. Additionally, other underlying issues such as ethnic cleansing, political and ethnic mobilization did contribute to Yugoslavia war. Record has it that during the period between 1990 and 1995, close to 140,000 people lost their lives. Similarly, the war brought with it full independence but also huge loss in terms of economy. The war was brought to an end by the signing of Dayton Agreement. Reference List Bennett, C. 1995. Yugoslavia’s Bloody Collapse. New York: Hurst. Cohen, L.J. 1993. Broken bonds: the disintegration of Yugoslavia. London: Westview Press. Ernest, G 1983. Nations and Nationalism. Oxford: Blackwell. Glenny, M 1999. The Balkans, 1804-1999: nationalism, war and the great powers. San Fransisco: Granta. Gowan, P.1999 ‘The NATO Powers and the Balkan tragedy’ in New Left Review. Horowitz, D. 1985. Ethnic Groups in Conflict. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. Judah, T. 1997. The Serbs: History, Myth and the Destruction of Yugoslavia. New Haven, Conn: Yale University Press. Keegan, J. 1994. A History of Warfare. New York, NY: Random House/Vintage Lampe, J.R. 2000. Yugoslavia as History. Cambridge University: CUP. Little, A. Silber, L. 1995. Yugoslavia: Death of a Nation. New York, NY: Penguin Books. Malcolm, N. 1998. Kosovo. New York: Macmillan. Pavkovic, A.2000. The Fragmentation of Yugoslavia: Nationalism and war in the Balkans. New York: Macmillan Publisher. Welch, D. 1993. Justice and the Genesis of War. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Woodward, S. 1995. Balkan tragedy: chaos and disintegration after the Cold War London: Brookings. This essay on Why did conflicts in Yugoslavia lead to war in the 1990s? was written and submitted by user Kyndal Hale to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Prices Not Listed on the Menu essays

Prices Not Listed on the Menu essays In Eric Schlossers first book, Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal (2001), through hard facts, witty insight, and meticulous research, he produces a book-length view of how quickly and methodically the fast food business has taken over our country. Schlosser tracks the fast food industry from Americas first infatuation with fast food to its origins in 1950s California and its global triumph. Additionally Schlosser discusses the full transformation of our landscape, work force, economy, pop culture, and our diets. This infiltration of the booming fast food industry has invaded every aspect of our culture. Our diets are forever changed because of the fast food industry. Peoples lives have become busier and busier, leaving little time to sit for a meal. The fast food business has taken advantage of this fact, creating an easy solution for many Americans: cheap food, numerous locations, and quick service. When people started having to work longer hours and women started working also, so that the family could have enough money to live the lifestyle theyve become accustomed to, fast food restaurants became a necessity. These restaurants provide busy people with a quick and cheap replacement for a meal. But, fast food establishments have been serving up a lot more than burgers and fries; the lasting effects on diets have increased obesity and malnutrition among Americans. As Schlosser writes, The typical American now consumes approximately three hamburgers and four orders of french fries every week. (6) Schlosser clearly illustrates, through facts like these, the damage this industry h as had on the American way of eating. One particular fast food chain Schlosser continues to use as an example in this book is the American favorite, McDonalds. Schlosser begins his deconstruction of the fast food industry with the analysis and history of McDonalds as an American economi...

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Make a Slushy Instantly With Soda and Supercooling

Make a Slushy Instantly With Soda and Supercooling Cool off and amaze your friends by making any soft drink or soda turn into a slushy on command. Heres how to do this fun and refreshing supercooled science project. Instant Slushy Materials Soft drinkFreezer Any soda or soft drink works for this, but it works especially well with 16-ounce or 20-ounce carbonated soft drinks. Its also easiest to use a beverage in a plastic bottle. If you dont have access to a freezer, you can use a large container of ice. Sprinkle salt on the ice to make it extra cold. Cover the bottle with the ice. Make a Soda Drink Slushy This is the same principle as supercooling water, except the product is more flavorful. Heres what you do with a carbonated soda, such as a bottle of cola: Start with a room temperature soda. You could use any temperature, but its easy to get a handle on how long it takes to supercool the liquid if you know your approximate starting temperature.Shake up the bottle and place it in a freezer. Do not disturb the soda while it is chilling or else it will simply freeze.After about three to three and a half hours, carefully remove the bottle from the freezer. Each freezer is a little different, so you may need to adjust the time for your conditions.There are a couple of different ways to initiate freezing. You could open the cap to release pressure, reseal the bottle, and simply turn the soda upside down. This will cause it to freeze in the bottle. You could gently open the bottle, releasing pressure slowly, and pour the soda into a container, causing it to freeze into slush while you pour. Pour the drink over an ice cube to get it to freeze. Another option is to slowly pour the soda into a clean cup, keeping it liquified. Drop a piece of ice into the soda to initiate freezing. Here, you can watch the crystals form outward from the ice cube. Play with your food! Try other drinks to see what works best for you. Note that some alcoholic drinks dont work for this project because the alcohol lowers the freezing point too much. However, you can get this trick to work with beer and wine coolers. Using Cans You can make instant slush in cans, too, but it is a bit trickier because you cant see what is going on inside the can and the opening is smaller and harder to crack without jarring the liquid. Freeze the can and very gently crack the seal to open it. This method may take some finesse, but it works. How Supercooling Works Supercooling any liquid is chilling it below its normal freezing point without turning it into a solid. Although sodas and other soft drinks contain ingredients besides water, these impurities are dissolved in the water, so they dont provide nucleation points for crystallization. The added ingredients do lower the freezing point of water (freezing point depression), so you need a freezer that gets well below 0 degrees C or 32 degrees F. When you shake up a can of soda before freezing it, youre trying to eliminate any large bubbles that could act as sites for ice formation.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Psychology - Essay Example We will also relate Constructive Developmental Theory to the best development perspective out of the three. Freud’s Psychoanalytic theory Freud’s Psychoanalytic theory is basically related to the working of unconscious mind. â€Å"Sigmund Freud's belief was that human beings possess minds that are divided into two parts: an unconscious and a conscious† (Slupesky, 2004). Freud believed that human development takes place in a predetermined order. This theory believes that unhealthy people can suffer from irrational pleasure seeking or guilt because they are in unconscious state of mind and are not aware of the unconscious processes taking place in their minds. The therapy for such people includes bringing an understanding of the unconscious into the conscious in order to make the person understand the choices that he or she has in life. Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development Similar to Freud, Erikson also believed that human development takes place in a predetermined order. Erikson’s theory focused more on social development of a person whereas Freud focused the psychological development. Erikson expanded Freud’s theory by mentioning that the process of human development continues throughout the life of a human.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Atmospheric issues Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Atmospheric issues - Term Paper Example Global warming is connected to levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere because carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. Other gasses, such as methane serve as greenhouse gasses as well, but carbon dioxide is by far the most abundant, so the following mitigation plan will focus on limiting and eventually stabilizing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as best we can. Addressing global climate change is important because a host of negative environmental and human maladies can be linked to a rapidly changing climate. Habitat loss, a greater range for human and animal disease, declining agricultural production and more severe storms are all possible outcomes from a warming global climate. But mitigating the amount of carbon dioxide being introduced into the atmosphere is a challenge. The complex nature of the atmosphere and earth’s systems makes some inputs, such as volcanic eruptions and solar radiation, beyond our control. Even inputs that are within our control are dif ficult to implement due to the global nature of the problem. Any realistic mitigation plan needs to have the cooperation of a host of governments and nongovernmental organizations. Though the challenges are daunting, the threats are even more so. This is why we need to address the rising amount of carbon dioxide in our environment. Carbon dioxide levels need to be mitigated because carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. Carbon dioxide is essential in our atmosphere because it traps heat in the atmosphere before it can be radiated back into space from the surface of the earth. It works very much like a blanket trapping body heat. If a blanket is too thick, the sleeper becomes uncomfortable. This is what many scientists believe is happening to earth. The build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is creating a thicker, more effective

Friday, January 24, 2020

Book Review: Nemesis :: essays research papers

Book Review: Nemesis Name of Book: Nemesis Author:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Isaac Asimov was born in 1920 in Petrovichi, Russia. When he was three years of age, his family immigrated to the United States and settled in Brooklyn, New York. Asimov turned to full time writing in 1958. This accomplished writer is best known for his novels dealing with science fiction. However, his works extend to other subjects. These include humour, mystery, history, and some volumes involving the Bible and Shakespeare. He has published around 500 books for both young and adult readers. His most famous science- fiction writings are I, Robot (1950) and The Foundation Trilogy (1951-1953). Asimov was dubbed a Grand Master of Science Fiction in 1987 by the Science Fiction Writers of America. He died in 1992. Setting: The story takes place in two time periods. One set of events takes place in the present, while the other set takes place in the past, drawing closer to the present. It spans over a fifteen year period, beginning in the year 2220. Although most of the important incidents occur on the planet Erythro about 2 light years from our solar system, the novel shifts between Earth, space, and the Settlement named Rotor, which orbits the foreign planet. Main Character:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Marlene Fisher is a very intelligent young woman at fifteen years of age. As a child, all who encountered her sensed that she was different. Her wide eyes absorbed all that was around her and seemed to know a great deal. Growing older, her â€Å"uniqueness† established itself as a gift in which she is able to read into the body language of others. A slight movement, a stuttered word, the smallest hesitation gives her indication as to one's true feelings and motives. Some mistake this gift as her being a â€Å"psychic†, but she is not. Marlene has only learned how to interpret little signs often overlooked.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Now a young woman, Marlene's uncanny ability has become quite developed. She finds herself constantly watching people's reactions, and does not hesitate to bluntly speak out what she has learned. Her intuitions sometimes get too interfering and she often crosses the line of being helpful. Many become extremely uncomfortable whenever in her presence, so she is advised by her mother against showing this talent. She tries to follow her mother's warning and her annoyance at the falseness of those surrounding her dwindles.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although Marlene is obviously an exceptional youth, she has troubles and stresses just like any other teenage girl. She knows she is rather plain looking and senses that others agree, but she has come to accept this fact.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Berger’s Portrayal of Men vs Women

John Berger’s Portrayal of Male versus Female Nudity and it’s relation to Modern Society In the book Ways of Seeing, chapter 3 by John Berger, Berger outlines his portrayal of the differences between men and women and the manner in which they are culturally represented by analyzing nude depictions of woman in the European artistic tradition through paintings. The paintings overtime have demonstrated that men have more power over women as they are the main spectators of the paintings, and the women are the object of the paintings.These standards described in his article are still significant in today’s society, as seen by the reaction of the public to the advertisement displays of male nudity for the Leopold Museum in Vienna. According to Berger, the male’s presence is all about potency, power, strength and his abilities. He is viewed as the dominant being over the woman whereas the women’s presence is about only her and what can or cannot be done to her. Women are more concerned with surveying themselves the way they think others will see them so that they can act in a way that is appealing toward the men.This suggests that the way she views herself is the way society will see her. This theory is displayed in the styles of the European paintings. The paintings are geared toward the male viewer which gives him a legitimate excuse for looking at the nude women in order to flatter himself. The paintings clearly demonstrate through the expression of the woman that the woman is aware that she is being viewed thus objectifying herself as a subject of a gaze. Berger simplifies this by saying â€Å"Men look at women. Women watch themselves being looked at. † (Berger, 47).The overall point the chapter makes is that men have more power over women, and because of this, women are property of the men. Berger’s chapter gives many examples that support his portrayal that men are the more dominant gender. For example, when refle cting on the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, it is Eve who gets punished, and Adam that becomes the agent of God. In another painting, The Judgement of Paris, Paris awards an apple to the women he believes to be the most beautiful thus turning beauty into a competition. The woman who is the most beautiful is to be owned by the judge, thus objectifying the woman to the man.Berger also mentions that some paintings also include a male lover however the attention on the women is rarely toward him, but is geared toward the viewer of the painting thus allowing the spectator the belief that he is the owner of the woman. Although Berger mainly talks about the cultural perspective of men and women, it is clear that his belief that men have more power over women are still occurring in recent society as seen in an article from The New York Times, and an article from BBC news on the public reactions to the nude male advertisements for the Leopold Museum in Vienna.Society today even creates this image that men have more power over women, and when the roles are reversed, as displayed in the male nude advertisements, it causes public outrage. In the BBC article, according to Tobias Natter, the director of the Leopold Museum, when it comes to male nudity, â€Å"Somehow it is taboo. † (Bell). It is true that male nudity is getting a new presence in modern society and is becoming increasingly more normal, however one can still assume a few reasons as to why there was an opposition to the display of the naked men on the posters.Going along with Berger’s view of women being the objects of the photos, the first reason is that having the men become the objects of the photos is extremely unusual and not something society is accustomed to. This is because the male is generally the power figure, and to see a man so vulnerable is such an unnatural thing. Another reason why these photos are deemed inappropriate is that because the male is now the object, the r ole of the spectator is now more difficult to define. Men do not want to be put in a position where they survey themselves. According to Berger, that role belongs to the women.Men also do not want to be seen as having less power and more vulnerability. Female nudity is associated with beauty and erotics. It is meant to be unthreatening. Male nudity however is much more challenging. Society in general is uncomfortable with seeing male genitalia in the public. Erich Kocina from the BBC news article states â€Å"We are not used to seeing a penis – I think that is the main problem for people. † (Bell). This opposition was reportedly greater among women because some women felt as though the images were pornographic and inappropriate for children to see.In the New York Times article, Klaus Pokorny, the museums spokesmen, stated that women had to shield their children’s eyes from the pictures of the naked men. (Cottrell). Also, because women are slightly more modest th an men, they might be more prone to embarrassment. Even though society has advanced in so many ways, it is still a little slow in adjusting to the views of men and women. Many people these days say that men and women are equal. More women are working â€Å"manly† jobs, and more men are becoming stay at home fathers. However, male versus female nudity still appears to be an issue.This should not be the way society thinks but unfortunately, nudity is still not totally accepted. The advertisements of the nude men should be a good way to open the eyes of the public to see the direction in which society is advancing and have awareness that men and women should not be portrayed so differently. Works Cited Berger, John. Ways of Seeing. London: Penguin, 1972. 45-64. Print. Bell, Bethany. â€Å"The shock of the (male) nude. †Ã‚  BBC News Magazine  [Vienna] 18 Nov 2012, Web. 19 Jan. 2013 Cottrell, Chris. â€Å"Viennese Museum to Cover Nude Ads. † The New York Times 17 O ct 2012, U. S Edition, Web. 17 Jan. 2013.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Taliban Decrees and Prohibitions Against Women

Immediately on taking over cities and communities in Afghanistan, the Taliban imposed its law, based on an interpretation of Sharia  or Islamic  law that was stricter than in any part of the Islamic world. The interpretation is at wide variance from that of most Islamic scholars. With very minimal changes, what follows are the Taliban rules, decrees, and prohibitions as posted in Kabul and elsewhere in Afghanistan beginning in November and December 1996, and as translated from Dari by Western non-governmental agencies. The grammar and syntax ​follows the original. Those rules still prevail wherever the Taliban is in control – in vast parts of Afghanistan or in Pakistans Federally Administered Tribal Areas. On Women and Families Decree announced by the General Presidency of Amr Bil Maruf and Nai As Munkar (Taliban Religious Police), Kabul, November 1996. Women you should not step outside your residence. If you go outside the house you should not be like women who used to go with fashionable clothes wearing much cosmetics and appearing in front of every men before the coming of Islam. Islam as a rescuing religion has determined specific dignity for women, Islam has valuable instructions for women. Women should not create such opportunity to attract the attention of useless people who will not look at them with a good eye. Women have the responsibility as a teacher or coordinator for her family. Husband, brother, father have the responsibility for providing the family with the necessary life requirements (food, clothes etc). In case women are required to go outside the residence for the purposes of education, social needs or social services they should cover themselves in accordance with Islamic Sharia regulation. If women are going outside with fashionable, ornamental, tight and charming clothes to show themselves, they will be cursed by the Islamic Sharia and should never expect to go to heaven. All family elders and every Muslim have responsibility in this respect. We request all family elders to keep tight control over their families and avoid these social problems. Otherwise these women will be threatened, investigated and severely punished as well as the family elders by the forces of the Religious Police (Munkrat). The Religious Police have the responsibility and duty to struggle against these social problems and will continue their effort until evil is finished. Hospital Rules and Prohibitions Rules of work for the State Hospitals and private clinics based on Islamic Sharia principles. Ministry of Health, on behalf of Amir ul Momineet Mohammed Omar. Kabul, November 1996. 1. Female patients should go to female physicians. In case a male physician is needed, the female patient should be accompanied by her close relative. 2. During examination, the female patients and male physicians both will be dressed with Islamic . 3. Male physicians should not touch or see the other parts of female patients except for the affected part. 4. Waiting room for female patients should be safely covered. 5. The person who regulates turn for female patients should be a woman. 6. During the night duty, in what rooms which female patients are hospitalized, the male doctor without the call of the patient is not allowed to enter the room. 7. Sitting and speaking between male and female doctors are not allowed. If there be need for discussion, it should be done with hijab. 8. Female doctors should wear simple clothes, they are not allowed stylish clothes or use of cosmetics or make-up. 9. Female doctors and nurses are not allowed to enter the rooms where male patients are hospitalized. 10. Hospital staff should pray in mosques on time. 11. The Religious Police are allowed to go for control at any time and nobody can prevent them. Anybody who violates the order will be punished as per Islamic regulations. General Rules and Prohibitions General Presidency of Amr Bil Maruf. Kabul, December 1996. 1. To prevent sedition and female uncovers (Be Hejabi). No drivers allowed to pick up women who are using Iranian burqa. In case of violation the driver will be imprisoned. If such kind of female are observed in the street their house will be found and their husband punished. If the women use stimulating and attractive cloth and there is no accompany of close male relative with them, the drivers should not pick them up. 2. To prevent music. To be broadcasted by the public information resources. In shops, hotels, vehicles and rickshaws cassettes and music are prohibited. This matter should be monitored within five days. If any music cassette found in a shop, the shopkeeper should be imprisoned and the shop locked. If five people guarantee the shop should be opened the criminal released later. If cassette found in the vehicle, the vehicle and the driver will be imprisoned. If five people guarantee the vehicle will be released and the criminal released later. 3. To prevent beard shaving and its cutting. After one and a half months, if anyone is observed who has shaved and/or cut his beard, they should be arrested and imprisoned until their beard gets bushy. 4. To prevent keeping pigeons and playing with birds. Within ten days this habit/hobby should stop. After ten days this should be monitored and the pigeons and any other playing birds should be killed. 5. To prevent kite-flying. The kite shops in the city should be abolished. 6. To prevent idolatry. In vehicles, shops, hotels, room and any other places, pictures and portraits should be abolished. The monitors should tear up all pictures in the above places. 7. To prevent gambling. In collaboration with the security police the main centers should be found and the gamblers imprisoned for one month. 8. To eradicate the use of narcotics. Addicts should be imprisoned and investigation made to find the supplier and the shop. The shop should be locked and the owner and user should be imprisoned and punished. 9. To prevent the British and American hairstyle. People with long hair should be arrested and taken to the Religious Police department to shave their hair. The criminal has to pay the barber. 10. To prevent interest on loans, charge on changing small denomination notes and charge on money orders. All money exchangers should be informed that the above three types of exchanging the money should be prohibited. In case of violation criminals will be imprisoned for a long time. 11. To prevent washing cloth by young ladies along the water streams in the city. Violator ladies should be picked up with respectful Islamic manner, taken to their houses and their husbands severely punished. 12. To prevent music and dances in wedding parties. In the case of violation the head of the family will be arrested and punished. 13. To prevent the playing of music drum. The prohibition of this should be announced. If anybody does this then the religious elders can decide about it. 14. To prevent sewing ladies cloth and taking female body measures by tailor. If women or fashion magazines are seen in the shop the tailor should be imprisoned. 15. To prevent sorcery. All the related books should be burnt and the magician should be imprisoned until his repentance. 16. To prevent not praying and order gathering pray at the bazaar. Prayer should be done  on  their due times in all districts. Transportation should be strictly prohibited and all people are obliged to go to the mosque. If young people are seen in the shops they will be immediately imprisoned. 9. To prevent the British and American hairstyle. People with long hair should be arrested and taken to the Religious Police department to shave their hair. The criminal has to pay the barber. 10. To prevent interest on loans, charge on changing small denomination notes and charge on money orders. All money exchangers should be informed that the above three types of exchanging the money should be prohibited. In case of violation criminals will be imprisoned for a long time. 11. To prevent washing cloth by young ladies along the water streams in the city. Violator ladies should be picked up with respectful Islamic manner, taken to their houses and their husbands severely punished. 12. To prevent music and dances in wedding parties. In the case of violation the head of the family will be arrested and punished. 13. To prevent the playing of music drum. The prohibition of this should be announced. If anybody does this then the religious elders can decide about it. 14. To prevent sewing ladies cloth and taking female body measures by tailor. If women or fashion magazines are seen in the shop the tailor should be imprisoned. 15. To prevent sorcery. All the related books should be burnt and the magician should be imprisoned until his repentance. 16. To prevent not praying and order gathering pray at the bazaar. Prayer should be done on their due times in all districts. Transportation should be strictly prohibited and all people are obliged to go to the mosque. If young people are seen in the shops they will be immediately imprisoned.