Monday, December 30, 2019

The Death Of The Street - 701 Words

It was nine o’clock although it could have been midnight. The main street was deserted except for a man pulling his bull terrier away from the base of a lamp post. An ambulance siren wailed in the distance. Occasionally, a car hissed past spitting up spray. Persistent winter rain permeated my fur coat, saturated my hair and drooled down my face into my scarf. I was cold wet and eager to get indoors. Long dark and menacing. Though dark, the alley lured me in with the promise of a speedy arrival home. Momentarily I hesitated at its entrance. A hundred yards away stood a single street lamp that offered a dim amber light at the alleyway’s turning. The pole of the street light had been defaced with rude drawings of body parts and derogatory words. My gut feeling told me to leave this unfamiliar alley - and quickly. but down the alley, past the turning and another 20 yards and I would be home. 120 yards and 3 minutes rather than 300 yards and 10 minutes. Although I was hesita nt I took the first step into the alley as warmth and dry clothes beckoned. I walked on in fear. As I proceeded into the alley the weeping trees poked at my neck and snagged at my hair. Sounds of the unknown rustled through the overgrown bushes that had become infested with sweet wrappers and empty beer cans. The wind blew hard carrying an old crisp packet from one overgrown bush to the next. Embedded in the bushes was a long piece of white and blue tape that blew in the violent wind. It had been impaled by aShow MoreRelatedThe Death Of The Manhattan Street Apartment914 Words   |  4 PagesOn september 9th 2015, at or about 0635 hours at the location of 2522 lincoln street apartment #336(crime location) which is located within the jurisdictional limits of the city of hollywood, within broward county and the state of florida the above named defendant did commit a battery upon the victim herein identified as antoinette reynolds. 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