Monday, December 30, 2019

The Death Of The Street - 701 Words

It was nine o’clock although it could have been midnight. The main street was deserted except for a man pulling his bull terrier away from the base of a lamp post. An ambulance siren wailed in the distance. Occasionally, a car hissed past spitting up spray. Persistent winter rain permeated my fur coat, saturated my hair and drooled down my face into my scarf. I was cold wet and eager to get indoors. Long dark and menacing. Though dark, the alley lured me in with the promise of a speedy arrival home. Momentarily I hesitated at its entrance. A hundred yards away stood a single street lamp that offered a dim amber light at the alleyway’s turning. The pole of the street light had been defaced with rude drawings of body parts and derogatory words. My gut feeling told me to leave this unfamiliar alley - and quickly. but down the alley, past the turning and another 20 yards and I would be home. 120 yards and 3 minutes rather than 300 yards and 10 minutes. Although I was hesita nt I took the first step into the alley as warmth and dry clothes beckoned. I walked on in fear. As I proceeded into the alley the weeping trees poked at my neck and snagged at my hair. Sounds of the unknown rustled through the overgrown bushes that had become infested with sweet wrappers and empty beer cans. The wind blew hard carrying an old crisp packet from one overgrown bush to the next. Embedded in the bushes was a long piece of white and blue tape that blew in the violent wind. It had been impaled by aShow MoreRelatedThe Death Of The Manhattan Street Apartment914 Words   |  4 PagesOn september 9th 2015, at or about 0635 hours at the location of 2522 lincoln street apartment #336(crime location) which is located within the jurisdictional limits of the city of hollywood, within broward county and the state of florida the above named defendant did commit a battery upon the victim herein identified as antoinette reynolds. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Impacts of Technology Dependency on the Academic...

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of life it is perhaps the greatest of Gods gifts. It is the mother of civilizations, of arts and of sciences. - Freeman Dyson Technology plays an important role in every sphere of life. It has certainly changed the way we live in different aspects of life and redefined living. Several sectors like medicine, warfare, transportation and navigation, business, economy, and even in education particularly in science and mathematics. Manual tasks can be automated, complex and critical processes can be carried out with ease and efficiency with the help of modern technology. Each fields have undergone a major change and sure, they have changed for the better. High†¦show more content†¦2. Through the thorough assessment and evaluation of the survey results, the school departments may then improve program and services which appear ineffective, strengthen areas which have significantly contributed to the academic development of the students in the university, and impose to the students the information sent and the proper use of this technology. 3. By carefully considering the opinions and suggestions of the targeted students solicited through the survey, the departments may consider implementing the use of these technologies on their teaching strategies, learning environment and the interaction between the teacher and the students. 4. Moreover, this survey and the action undertaken as a result of the assessment and evaluation of the survey will promote a deeper understanding of the negative and positive impacts of technology dependency of the students on their academic development and the relationship of technology and education of college students to the development of their behavior, social awareness, lifestyle and most especially on their academic performance which the study focuses to. Definition of Terms This section aims to define or explain some ambiguous terms used in the report. These terms are listed below with their corresponding definitions. Technology is the making, usage and knowledge of tools, techniques, crafts, systems or methods of organization in orderShow MoreRelatedQuality Improvement328284 Words   |  1314 PagesProfessor of Engineering. He received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from Virginia Polytechnic Institute, all in engineering. From 1969 to 1984 he was a faculty member of the School of Industrial Systems Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology; from 1984 to 1988 he was at the University of Washington, where he held the John M. Fluke Distinguished Chair of Manufacturing Engineering, was Professor of Mechanical Engineering, and was Director of the Program in Industrial Engineering. Dr.Read MoreIntroduction to Materials Management169665 Words   |  679 PagesA. de C.V. Pearson Education Malaysia Pte. Ltd. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN-13: 978-0-13-233761-8 ISBN-10: 0-13-233761-4 From the Library of PREFACE Introduction to Materials Management is an introductory text written for students in community colleges and universities. It is used in technical programs, such as industrial engineering and manufacturing engineering; in business programs; and by those already in industry, whether or not they are working in materials management

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Information Literacy †What does it mean Free Essays

The 21st century has been defined as the â€Å"Information Age† due to the fact that there has been an overwhelming amount of â€Å"information output and information sources.†Ã‚   (ACRL, 2006, p. 1)   In a report released in 1989 by the American Library Association’s Presidential Committee on Information Literacy stated that, â€Å"No other change in American society has offered greater challenges than the emergence of the Information Age. We will write a custom essay sample on Information Literacy – What does it mean? or any similar topic only for you Order Now † (Association of College Research Libraries, 1989, n.a).   In order to combat the growing need for students to adapt to this age of information, professionals began working towards providing an educational environment that focuses on information literacy. To define Information literacy and narrow it down to one specific interpretation would be impossible, as it has been defined in a variety of ways since 1970.   To offer a broad definition, the American College of Research Libraries defines it as, â€Å"the set of skills needed to find, retrieve, analyze and use information.   (ACRL, 2006, p. 1) Christina Bruce, has also defined information literacy as â€Å"the overarching literacy essential for 21st century living.†Ã‚   (Bruce, 2004, p. 2) A number of professionals continue to develop strategies and policies that will enhance the area of information literacy and enable educators to assist students as they take advantage of the information and communication avenues available to them.   (Bruce, 2004, p. 2) Christina Doyle was the first to introduce the Delphi technique into the realm of information literacy, in her 1992 study where a national panel of experts from the National Forum of Information Literacy conducted a study that took a deeper look into the National Education Goals.   (Doyle, 1994, p. 21) This technique was used to reach an agreement among professionals that â€Å"information Literacy is the ability to access, evaluate and use information from a variety of sources.†Ã‚   (Doyle 1992).   The outcome of this study defined the framework to show the critical nature of information literacy and the importance of working to create an information society. (Doyle, 1994, p. 21) The goals established by this committee lead to â€Å"successful education and employment for all Americans.†Ã‚   (Doyle, 1994, p. 21) Since 1980, a variety of information literacy skill models have been developed by educators, national and state organizations and national associations dedicated to information literacy.   These models are designed to support student educators as they attempt to integrate information into their classrooms, assist school librarians as they attempt to provide leadership in the school system, and to assist professionals as they attempt to stay in tune with technology advancements.   (Stripling, 1999, p. 54)   These models provide educators the means to teach students a series of processes and steps to follow as they evaluate and process information.   (Bruce, 2004, p. 3) Perhaps one of the most popular models is the Eisenberg and Berkowitz Big6 model.   Eisenberg and Berkowitz define their approach as, â€Å"a systematic approach to information and problem solving.†Ã‚   (Eisenberg Berkowitz, 1990, p. 1)   They also believe that through the model’s evolution that it has developed two additional definitions – â€Å"2) six broad skill areas are necessary for successful information problem solving. Students need to develop a range of competencies within each skill area. 3) a complete library and information skills curriculum are necessary.   Often referred to as a scope and sequence the Big Six Skills offers a systematic alternative to traditional K-12 frameworks that focus on location and access skills.†Ã‚   (Eisenberg Berkowitz, 1990, p. 1)     Ã‚  Ã‚  This approach has been widely accepted and implemented by many schools. Another model used to shape the way that students obtain and evaluate information is the Stripling and Potts Research Process Model.   It was originally developed in 1988 and was widely accepted â€Å"because it provided a guide through each state of creating a research paper.†Ã‚   (Reidling Eisenberg, 2002, p. 7)   Stripling and Pitts suggest that students follow a 10 step research process within a outline that shows the student how information literacy skills build upon each other.  Ã‚   (Reidling Eisenberg, 2002, p. 7) Research continues to progress in the area of information literacy, as information and technology continue to advance.   Education requires a learning model that is based upon the foundation of the real world – a model that is active and incorporated with reality, rather than separated.   (Association of College Research Libraries, 1989, n.a).   For this reason, information literacy is a means of personal empowerment. It allows people to verify or refute expert opinion, and to become independent seekers of truth. (Association of College Research Libraries, 1989). But how much information is too much? In business, Herbert E. Meyer, who has served as an editor for Fortune magazine and as vice-chairman of the National Intelligence Council, describes in his 1988 book, Real World Intelligence (2), the astonishment and growing distress of executives who `are discovering that the only thing as difficult and dangerous as managing a large enterprise with too little information is managing one with too much` (Meyer, 1987 p.29).   Meyer does, however, go on to stress that companies should focus and rely on public sources that are available to them for a great deal of their information.   (Meyer, 1987 p.36). It is important that a focus is placed upon differentiating between information literacy and information technology.   Information technology skills â€Å"enable an individual to use computers, software applications, databases, and other technologies to achieve a wide variety of academic, work-related, and personal goals.†Ã‚   (American Library Association, 2000, p. 3) Information literacy is, â€Å"a set of abilities requiring people to ‘recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate and use effectively the needed information.†Ã‚   (American Library Association, 2000, p. 2)   Information literacy consists of more than searching through library reference materials – it’s a goal for learners and does not consist of just one technique or method.   (Gilton, 1994) The traditional way of library research is being abandoned as our society turns to the Internet for electronic resources.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Increased access to technology has altered the way that students study, while the variety of electronic information resources has widened the potential resource base for all students.† (Orr, Appleton, Wallin, 2001, p. 457) Approximately 75% of schools today have internet access and it is quickly becoming an important teaching tool in the educational classroom. (German Bartolo, 2001, p. 1)   Multiple studies have been done showing the impact that the Internet is having on students.   It has been shown that 20 % of the college students do not make any judgment about the quality or reliability of the information that they obtain from the Internet or other sources. (Zabel, 2004, p. na) With the onset of the Internet and the challenge it has posed on the information literacy curriculum, professional organizations are partnering with educators to work with students in educational systems of all levels.   Austin Peay State University’s Woodward Library was one of 23 universities that created a program to assist students to â€Å"evaluate information available on the World Wide Web.†Ã‚   (Austin Peay State University Quick News, 2001, p. na) This venture supporting the tactics of Information Literacy was supported by the Association of College and Research Libraries and funded through the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services National Leadership Grant.   (Austin Peay State University Quick News, 2001, p. na) In an effort to support the importance of Information Literacy, efforts are being made to create evaluation tools for both students and educators to enable both to use the internet as an effective resource.  Ã‚   Project 2061, a project sponsored by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, has been created to reinforce the methods of information literacy in the area of science and mathematics.   (German Bartolo, 2001, p. 1) Information literacy is challenged by the constantly changing environment of the Information Age.   The challenge of education is to continue to develop â€Å"creative and rational thinkers who can solve problems and who can be reflective.†Ã‚   (Doyle, 1994, p. 44)   The Big6 approach to information problem solving is still the most widely used model to reinforce and teach information literacy, as approximately 84,000 teachers have been trained in the program. (Serim, 2002, p. na) Both national and international organizations are reacting to the digital age and the implications on education by designing effective intervention programs and methods.   (Serim, 2002, p. na) Though there is a great deal of work yet to be done, the foundation and practices of information literacy provide an environment where students can strive to meet the challenge. References Acrl. (2006, August 28). Association of College and Research Libraries. Retrieved from Ala. (2000). Information Literacy Competency Standards (Publication). Chicago, IL: Association of College and Research Libraries. American Library Association. (2000). Information Literacy Competency Standards (Publication). Chicago, IL: Association of College and Research Libraries. Austin Peay State University Quick News. (2001, July 30). APSU works on information literacy. Austin Peay State University Quick News. Retrieved from Bruce, C. S. (2004). Information Literacy as a Catalyst for Educational Change (Rep.). Yeppoon, Queensland: Queensland University of Technology. Chisholm, M. (1989). Presidential Committee on Information Literacy: Final Report (Rep.). Washington, D.C.: Association of College and Research Libraries American Library Association. Doyle, C. S. (1994). Information Literacy in an Information Society: A Concept for the Information Age. Syracuse, New York: ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Technology. Eisenberg, M. B., Berkowitz, R. E. (1990). Information problem-solving: the big six skills approach to library information skills instruction. Norwood, New Jersey: Alex Publishing Corporation. German, L., Bartolo, L. M. (2001). Science and Information Literacy on the Internet: Using the Standards Created by the Association of College and Research Libraries and Project 2061 to Create a Science Web Page Evaluation Tool (Rep.). Denver, Colorado: Association of College and Research Libraries. Gilton, D. L. (1994). A World of Difference: Preparing for Information Literacy Instruction for Diverse Groups. MultiCultural Review, 3, 54-62. Orr, D., Appleton, M.,   Wallin, M. (2001). Information literacy and flexible delivery: Creating a conceptual framework and model. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 27, 457-463. Reidling, A. M., Eisenberg, M. (2002). Learning to Learn: A Guide to Becoming Information Literate (Teens the Library Series). New York, New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc. Serim, F. (2002, May/June 10). The Importance of Contemporary Literacy in the Digital Age: A Response to Digital Transformation: A Framework for Information Communication Technologies (ICT) Literacy. The Big6: Information Skills for Student Achievement. Retrieved from Stripling, B. K. (1999). Learning and Libraries in an Information Age: principles and practice. Englewood, Colorado: Libraries Unlimited. Zabel, D. (2004). A Reaction to †Information Literacy and Higher Education. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 30, 17-21.       How to cite Information Literacy – What does it mean?, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

National Committee and Root Analytics †

Question: Discuss about the National Committee and Root Analytics. Answer: Introduction: The data security breaches have advanced at such a arte that it seems to be almost impossible for the data to be kept unprotected for a single moment also as the hackers are always on the look about for such a situation wherein they can enter the system of companies and steal crucial information which would hamper them. In the year 2016, the Republican National Committee hired Deep Root Analytics , a data analytics company to collect crucial political data with regards the voters in the USA (Daitch, 2017). Chris Vickery who was working as a cyber risk analyst found out that the crucial and critical data that was gathered by Deep Root Analytics i.e. basically comprised of private information for nothing less than 200 million citizens of America was stored on an Amazon Cloud server and that too without any protection such as passwords or any such authentication for over a fortnight in the month of June 2017. The examination of the situation has confirmed that the data that has been leaked comprises of names, addresses, phone numbers, date of birth and Voter registration numbers that were mentioned in the Voter Ids of the voters(Newman,2017). On doing a complete examination of the said case, it is understood that the main reason behind the attack was Deep Root Analytics themselves and he negligence act conducted by them of storing data on the cloud without protecting the same. The researcher, Chris Vickery had found out that there was a flawed database which comprised data of almost all the voters who were registered and which was gathered by the said analyst. The main issue here was absence of any password which would help protect it from access from unwanted people. However since the same was missing thereby anyone with an internet connection could gain access of the information and thereby tamper it. Around a terabyte of data was breached due to negligence (Bertrand, 2017). The issue here was also that various files that were exposed had not originated from Deep Root. They are the total of outside data entities and organizations and Republican super PACs , which basically puts the attention onto the ever increasing dat a network and that had supposedly lent a helping hand to the current president of US, slender limits in key swing rates. Even though the data possessed by Deep Root contained facts and figures typical of any political campaign, yet the fact that it is crucial for immoral and malicious individuals and groups cannot be ignored (Cameron Conger, 2017). The said issue propelled when the firm had updated their security settings early in the month of June 2017. Thus the main issue that can be understood from this kind of a data breach is that the analyst firm had obtained data from various other companies which contained data such as the type of campaigning that would help the President win the elections, the cost attached with the same, the kind of voters available etc. the files exposed were critical as they were data on the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union (Walsh, 2017). The data breached also comprised of the preferences of the voters such as stem cell research and gun control. Thereby it can be rightly said that the carelessness on the part of the company made many people pay a price for it and that too the information was sensitive enough from the political perspective as well (Matthews, 2017). Solutions to Prevent Such Hacks Solutions are many which would help protection of such carelessness again in future. One of the most important was to ensure that if any updates have to be run on any previous data stored, then it is a necessity to ensure that adequate safeguards are installed. Even though Deep Root Analytics have assumed full responsibility for the occurrence of the breach, they have immediately on being aware of the same, have updated their security settings so that no further loss occurs. However, there should also be a system wherein after any updates being done, the system should by itself prompt about the lack of passwords or weak passcode. This would help protection as well as dealing with such a negligence in future as well (Lapdwsky, I2017). This is basically human error which can occur anytime, but such an error can be very disastrous for the whole country as it may lead to development of terrorism to a greater scale, hence these data analytics companies should either destroy off the data a fter the work is over or ensure security is not lacked at any moment whatsoever. There on a concluding note, it is understood that the staff of Deep Root Analytics were very careless and had a negligent attitude which led them to forgetting of checking the security settings once the system was duly updated. Storing any data in cloud definitely provides more space to the organizations, but at the same time they end up exposing the same to a huge arena of hackers who are always on the verge of stealing data and tampering them or playing unwanted games with the information. Deep Root Analytics although has presently taken care of the same and also confirmed that as per them not much of tampering have been done, yet they should ensure that the person behind the same should be thoroughly trained again. A world-wide ransomware attack with the help of attacking equipments extensively alleged by researchers to have been formulated by the US National Security Agency impacted the NHS in a negative sense, strike worldwide transporter FedEx and tainted PCs and laptops in nearly about more than a hundred countries. The number of computers being infected by the attack has crossed 300,000 and Russia, Taiwan, Ukraine and India being the top most amongst them whose computers were the most infected by the WannaCry as per the data released by Czech security firm Avast (Graham, 2017). The main issue that can be understood with regards this particular attack was the fact that it was not an attack on any particular company or country but the same was on a much larger scale wherein more than a hundred were infected. The ransomware was named as WannaCry also popularly known as WanaCrypt0 or 2.0, WannaCry and WCry. The main trick used by the attacker was that of phishing wherein the virus is sent to various computers with the help of emails and it contains such data that misleads the recipient and he or she ends up opening the given attachments, which thereby further attacks the systems as the attachments basically contains malicious files. Another very crucial issue here was that once the system gets infected, a payment is asked for cleaning the same up and giving the access back to the users but at the same time there is no conformity to the access even after payment. The attack had spread like a fire and one of the biggest in history which made it difficult for the defenders to safeguard the computers of lakhs across the globe at a faster pace. It was not only restricted to only one country or continent (Hern, Gibbs, 2017). The visibility of the attack was so widespread that there has been a lot of hue and cry. The worst impact of this attack has been seen in Britains NHS. Hospitals and GP surgeries in England and Scotland were among at least 16 health service organizations hit by a ransomware attack. The malware that was used here was named as Wanna Decryptor. The employees and the workers were asked to switch over from the systems to manual way of working i.e by using pen and paper and also increased the usage of ones own cell phones since the attack has had an impact on various main systems which included landlines as well. Unfortunately the suffering and the ailing patients were forcibly sent back who were ready for major surgeries in the hospitals in various parts of England. Various appointments were also cancelled after such a horrendous attack which ended up messing and scuttling of information stored on various systems. Unfortunately, health facilities being one of the most crucial for any country, there people were asked to demand and look for a medical help only in case of emerge ncy due to the attack and the impact of it being so deep (BBC News 2017). Till present day, the most infected countries by the said malicious software is Russia, where the Interior Ministry was attacked and three more countries as per Czech Security i.e. Taiwan, India and Ukraine. Another very major company which was infected was FedEx Corp, whereas a telecommunication entity named Telefonica in Spain was also infected although it was confirmed by them that the attack had not infected all the systems and only a few were impacted and none of its clients or any of the services being provided to them were affected in any manner. Further two more companies in the same segment, Portugal Telecom and Telefonica Argentina also said that they were also amongst the ones who were infected by the attack (Wong, Solon, 2017). Surprising the said attack was not carried out in any special manner, but to the surprise of all, it used one of the most common methods i.e. phishing. A cyber-gang named Shadow Brokers are being blamed for the particular hack. As per the confessions made by the gang, they said that they had stolen a cyber weapon from the most powerful military intelligence unit in the world i.e. National Security Agency (NSA), USA. The said hacking weapon Eternal Blue provides an unparalleled access to various systems which use MS Office. The said weapon was developed by NSA so that they could enter the systems of the various terrorists and such other foes (Perlroth 2017). However, it is being thought by all that the gang had put the said bug on an incomprehensible site and which in turn was further stolen by another gang who used it to infect systems worldwide. One of the biggest ways that would have enabled protection of this attack would have been regularly updating Windows and running the anti-virus as well. The weakness of the government is one of the main reasons behind the same and thereby they should be more vigilant and stringent in protecting their database and such critical software programs as well. Further the users should not open all the spam mails and the attachments found. Downloading of software and apps from unknown places should be prevented. Last but not the least, a pro-active way of thinking is a must specially in segments which are very crucial such as the health care segment. References: Bertrand,N. (2017). GOP data firm that exposed millions of Americans personal information is facing its first class-action lawsuit. Retrieved from Cameron,D. Conger,K. (2017). GOP Data Firm Accidentally Leaks Personal Details of Nearly 200 Million American Voters. Retrieved from Daitch,H. (2017). 2017 Data Breaches The Worst So far. Retrieved from Lapdwsky, I. (2017). What Should (And Shouldnt) Worry You In That Voter Data Breach. Retrieved from Matthews,K. (2017). Deep Root Analytics Is In Deep Trouble With Voter Data Breach. Retrieved from Newman,L.H. (2017). The Biggest Cyber Security Disasters of 2017 so far. Retrieved from Walsh,A. (2017). Deep Root Analytics behind data breach on 198 million US voters : security firm. Retrieved from BBC News. (2017). Massive ransomware infection hits computers in 99 countries. Retrieved from Graham,C. (2017). NHS cyber attack: Everything you need to know about biggest ransomware offensive in history. Retrieved from Hern,A. Gibbs, S. (2017). What is WannaCry ransomware and why is it attacking global computers. Retrieved from Perlroth,N., Scott,M. Frenkel, S. (2017). Cyberattack hits Ukraine Then Spreads Internationally. Retrieved from Wong,J.C. Solon,O. (2017). Massive ransomware cyber-attack hits nearly 100 countries around the world. Retrieved from

Friday, November 29, 2019

Interview About Pets Essay Example

Interview About Pets Essay Characteristics of the interviewee: Elderly women in her fifties Empty nester- no kids Has 13 cats at home There are 300 cats on campus. This is the fourth time somebody brought it to me. He has got a collar with at tag on him saying my home is UTA. Anyway we do a lot of rescuing on campus. My husband’s second job, he works at a vet clinic. The vet clinic he works for has a kitten that somebody just brought in and dumped, he has three of them home. We have plenty of them at home. He has got three from the clinic and one from trapped three weeks ago. Anyway we have 13 at home. I never had cats before. In India we have three dogs at home, in India its still not popular to have cats at home. Right, yeah cats are not pet to you guys, and there is usually a lots of dogs in the streets and not lots of cats right. Here in this campus you wouldn’t know there are lots of cats. At nights you see a lot. A bunch of them near the engineering building since they started construction over there, now there are at the life science building. The oldest one there on campus he has probably been there for 12 years. He is a grown old man, he has been here for a long time. There are around and you hardly see them. We will write a custom essay sample on Interview About Pets specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Interview About Pets specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Interview About Pets specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer I feed a group at the Lutheran centre and you see my cats usually comes out and I have to be really careful when I walk across the street, if they see me they run into the street. I have to approach, make sure I make no noise because when they see me, they come running and I don’t want them to run across uta blvd. Yeah its not safe (smile) Its not a good thing (laughing) (She was showing her pet frog in a case case) the whole thing about animals is that you have to make them comfortable. Make them happy pet. Yeah. We have a small fish tank at home, because in uta housing we are not allowed to have pets. No pets. So we have a small fish tank with the gold fishes and the cuppies. Its good to have pets at home. Well I had a 100 gallon tank at home with gold fish in it and when the winter came in we put the tortoises in it, when they were smaller. Now my husband gave the 100 gallon tank for some guy who uses it for snakes, this was in 1987. That was in 1987. I had pets for a long time. Long history of pets Yeah. We never had dogs before because I had always been partial to cats. Now we can leave the cats all day long and we have little cat boxes. They are self sufficient. Working full time you can still have quite a few cats and maintain. Saturday we usually are at the vets office from 8am till noon when they close because they need shots, flu checks and when we have 13 there is going to be something every weekend. Yeah somebody obviously needs something or the other. The only animal that we ever bought a, that I ever have put in a casket was this little girl and she was my grand champion. She was 13 when I had to put her down. I had this cat for so long and this was the animal like 1 in a million okay. We have lots of cats. I had to put him down when he was 13 and he had a kidney failure. hen they get that old their kidneys fail, in cats the kidneys go the first thing and it is not fair to keep them alive. They just lose their fluid. So anyway this little girl was the very first grand champion cat I have ever had. This was the only one for which the casket was built for. Usually we wrap them in a towel and put them down. For her we had a special wood en box made for her, wrapped in her favorite blanket lining. I did the whole thing. I am the one who dug her the hole for her body. I was like okay. She was the only one who got the casket. She was not the regular (pause) I can’t even explain. It was one of the special ones. Yeah even for one of my pets, mom didn’t want to send her just like that. She wrapped her in her saree before sending her. She was the only one for casket. The rest of them we just wrapped in their favorite blankets. We have heating pads for pets at home, we don’t heat the house. Yeah that good because we will not be able to accustom to that heat at home. Whoever is gonna buy our home is going wonder whether we have a pet cemetery in our backyard. We have tortoises, parrots. Do cats needs lots of physical activities like dogs? The cats make up their own games and they don’t need to have one. So they don’t need to have a strict fitness regime. No they don’t. we have cats under the age of 1. They are nuts. They just run around, chase each other. They are crazy. We call crazy hour. Right before you feed them. Its like â€Å"hurry mom, are you coming? † Do you get to train them? No. I cant say any of my cats are trained. What about cats climbing? Our house is not made for people anymore. When me and my husband moved in we took all the carpet off. Carpets are something which are worse for people with asthma. How about grooming the pets. All my cats except one are short hair. I don’t want them to have. Every day I check them for bumps and lumps. That’s how I found cancers in some of our older cats. When they get older you really need to stay on top of that. Just a regular examination would help. Right. The UTA cats gets lots of abscess. The only one for which we got a casket was for this one. (she showed me the picture of the cat) when was this. This was way back in 1997. I don’t think there was even option of getting a casket. So built your own? Yeah. I don’t remember there was one. PetSmart was new to the area. I don’t think they had an idea of casket. That’s a sad part and I don’t think they would link this to the happy pet store. I don’t think people are going to accept that. â€Å" This is a happy place† The pet casket part I did it for me and not for her. I did it for me because she was gone. But there are people who do pet cemetery, but I hear horror stories that they are not maintained and they are not buried as they are supposed to be. Of course lots of people who live in apartments, they don’t really have a choice. They either leave their veterinarian take their pet. Lots of veterinarian do cremation and they give their ashes to you. I personally feel to donate the pets organs before burying or cremating. What do you feel about these pictures. Once your animal is down, the veterinarian wraps it and puts it in a box so that you don’t sit with your pet in hand that is dead. They want you get the image out of your head, put it away immediately. So do you think the pet casket removes the psychological breakdown by taking your pet’s image away from you. And that helps you to bring down the emotion and depression. Do you have any idea about the pet casket varieties and price. Frankly speaking I don’t have any idea about the current options for caskets in the market.

Monday, November 25, 2019

The eNotes Blog Night and 10 Other Must-ReadMemoirs

Night and 10 Other Must-ReadMemoirs While  Nobel  Peace Prize recipient  Elie  Wiesel  penned  several  autobiographies and works of fiction, his  best-known work is  Night- a memoir based  on his experiences as a prisoner in WWII  concentration camps, specifically  Auschwitz and Buchenwald. A harrowing read  offering a  firsthand account of one of  our  worlds most tragic  time periods, Night  helped shine a light on the Holocaust and to this day is regarded as one of the worlds most important works of literature. A fact that is not as widely known as the work itself is that  Night is part one of a trilogy:  Night,  Dawn, and  Day.  Each book focuses on specific parts of Wiesels transformative renaissance- darkness to light, horror to healing. With  Night, we know of Wiesels intent: I wanted to show the end, the finality of the event. Everything came to an end- man, history, literature, religion, God. There was nothing left. And yet we begin again with night. For the trilogys subsequent works, Wiesel took a different approach, saying, In Night it is the ‘I who speaks. In the other two, it is the ‘I who listens and questions. The final book,  Day (not a memoir but a work of  fiction), completes the transformation arc: an injured man reflects on his relationships and experiences during WWII and comes to grips with his survival and the deaths of loved ones. Memoirs, like Night, offer a clear window into the thoughts and experiences of others, especially those who write them. They are also a subgenre of autobiography- though the exact categorizations of memoir and autobiography are a bit fuzzy and at times almost entirely overlapping. Essentially, a memoir is autobiographical, while not all autobiographies meet the criteria  for a memoir. Loosely, autobiographies will encompass the subjects entire lifespan, whereas memoirs- depending on the work- tend to be more flexible and focused on a specific point in time or subject matter, like WWII. Though there has been some debate over the years about  Nights designation as a memoir, most publishers agree that the story speaks to Wiesels personal experiences- something we can all learn from. Night  will surely live on as part of the historical canon and as a must-read memoir for generations to come. Keep reading for ten more memorable, must-read memoirs handpicked by our staff. Some are new, some are old, and many you may not have heard of just yet (but should definitely check out now!). 1. When Breath Becomes Air Paul Kalanithis poignant memoir When Breath Becomes Air recounts his fight against Stage IV lung cancer. A brilliant medical student, Kalanithi had a bright future in neurosurgery ahead of him when he received his diagnosis. His New York Times op-ed How Long Have I Got Left? led him to write this memoir. Continue reading When Breath Becomes Air summary → 2. The Lost Boy The Lost Boy is the sequel to Dave Pelzers bestselling memoir A Child Called It.  The story opens in Daly City, California in 1973, when Davids teachers call the police to report their suspicions of child abuse.  Continue reading The Lost Boy summary → 3. Between the World and Me Between the World and Me is a book-length letter from author Ta-Nehisi Coates to his fifteen-year-old son, Samori. It was written shortly after his son learned that Michael Browns killers would go free- the same year that Tamir Rice and Eric Garner were killed by police officers. Coates wanted to explain to his son what it means to be a black man in America.  Continue reading Between the World and Me summary → 4. Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis Hillbilly Elegy is J. D. Vances illuminating memoir of life in Appalachia, a region of the Eastern United States stretching from Alabama in the South to New York in the North. Appalachia used to be an industrial haven, home to the coal and steel industries, but the decline in manufacturing has resulted in widespread economic hardship.  Continue reading Hillbilly Elegy  summary → 5. Man’s Search for Meaning In Mans Search for Meaning, psychologist Victor Frankl draws on his experiences in Auschwitz to develop his method of logotherapy. In the concentration camp, he discovered that the desire to find meaning is essential to the human experience. He uses this knowledge in his psychoanalytic practice.  Continue reading Mans Search for Meaning  summary → 6. The Fire Next Time James Baldwin’s The Fire Next Time, according to writer William Styron, is â€Å"one of the great documents of the twentieth century.† It articulates the anger, frustration, and hope felt by African Americans during the 1960s. The two essays composing this work were published in 1963, selling more than one million copies, making Baldwin- according to The New York Times- the widest read African American writer of his time.  Continue reading The Fire Next Time summary → 7. The Story of My Life In The Story of My Life, author and activist Helen Keller recounts her early education with Anne Sullivan from the Perkins Institute for the Blind. An illness left Keller deaf and blind at eighteen months, and shes unable to communicate until Sullivan teaches her the manual alphabet.  Continue reading The Story of My Life  summary → 8. The Last Lecture In The Last Lecture, professor Randy Pausch expands on a speech that he delivered at Carnegie Mellon University in September 2007. Pausch, who had been diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer, addressed his book primarily to young adults and children hoping to fulfill their dreams.  Continue reading The Last Lecture  summary → 9. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings In I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Maya Angelou recounts the story of her life up to the birth of her child. Though she faces many hardships in her life, including being raped and living in a junkyard, shes able to find love and happiness as a mother.  Continue reading I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings  summary → 10. This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen In his introduction to the English translation of This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen, Jan Kott writes of Tadeusz Borowskis decision to render his Auschwitz stories in the first person: The identification of the author with the narrator was the moral decision of a prisoner who had lived through Auschwitz- an acceptance of mutual responsibility, mutual participation, and mutual guilt for the concentration camp.  Continue reading This Way for the Gas  summary →

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Marketing Strategy for Business ''Express Star'' Essay

Marketing Strategy for Business ''Express Star'' - Essay Example The company is looking for ways to use the brand value of MNA and gain trust held within the market it serves (Andereck, 2005). At present the company is setting up a new business arm completely different from the present business units. It has decided to open up a new recruiting agency by the name Star Employment Service. Other than that there are plans to build new revenue streams, which will either complement the existing media products or will lead to new business opportunities away from the traditional business model (Abratt et al. 2011). The present research paper endeavors to produce a rough sketch of the marketing strategy that Express & Star can follow. The current strategy of Express & Star and its applicability, benefits are discussed in the present business environment. Then a detailed external and internal analysis is produced to reflect the best strategic option available to Express & Star. The choice of the most suitable strategy is explained with justification, and th en followed up with subsequent implementation. It is finished off with the inclusion of the control systems to keep the changes within the desired level. Integration of the marketing problem-solving modes and marketing management support system There are more than 5 different types of marketing management models in the market. Some of the marketing management models have core statistical application and controlling techniques. There are vast differences in the marketing management models like in Marketing Information System, the main idea is to support the marketing management team with critical marketing information processed and filtered by applying statistical techniques. There is another type of model which is called the Marketing Decision Support System (Wierenga and Bruggen, 1997). The marketing decision support system helps to derive different strategic decisions using statistical concepts combined with strategic concepts and ideas. Again there is another different set of too l called the Marketing Management Support System. The marketing management support system helps to achieve a different set of benefits which are completely different than the other marketing management techniques discussed above. The different marketing management techniques have unique set of benefits and applications which distinguished them from each other. Although one thing that must be noted is that all the different kinds of marketing management techniques have more or less the same origin. The origin of the different marketing concepts lies in the marketing problem solving modes, which is short formed as the ORAC framework (Wierenga and Bruggen, 1997). The ORAC framework includes the optimizing option, reasoning option, analogizing option and the creating option. It is important that there is proper correlation between the ORAC framework and the marketing management support system. The following diagram gives an indication of the correlation between the marketing management support system and the ORAC framework Source: (Wierenga and Bruggen, 1997) The diagram indicates the relationship between the MPMS and the MMSS. Optimizing leads to development of the marketing model estimation, reasoning leads to MKIS, MDSS, MNN and MKBS. Analogizing leads to the development of MCBR and MNN. Creating leads to the d

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Operatios Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Operatios Management - Essay Example The author has presented his idea and has used different sources and reliable sources for this journal article in order to improve the information presented. Forecasting techniques can be improved and this can allow the businesses to improve their overall supply chain planning and control. The findings of this article are very much the same as of the other authors as they have also emphasized on collaborating with other players in the supply chain. Ramanathan is working in the department of Business Systems in the Bedfordshire Business School and has sufficient knowledge of business and he has used different books and research papers thus, the knowledge and information presented in the article is reliable. Article 2: Moyano-Fuentes, J., Sacristan-Diaz, M., & Martinez-Jurado, P. J. (2012). Cooperation in the supply chain and lean production adoption: Evidence from the Spanish automotive industry.  International Journal of Operations & Production Management,  vol. 32, no. 9, pp. 10 75-1096. Journal: International Journal of Operations & Production Management Lean production is important in managing the overall supply chain in business. ... The article discusses about the evidences from the Spanish automotive industry. This article has been written by three different authors, Jose? Moyano-Fuentes, Macarena Sacrista?n-Daz and Pedro Jose? Martnez-Jurado. All these three authors work in different universities in Spain and therefore these authors have the knowledge regarding supply chain, business and operations management. Moreover, with different research studies cited by these authors, the information presented is highly reliable. Article 3: Wee, H., and Wu, S. (2009). Lean supply chain and its effect on product cost and quality: a case study on Ford Motor Company. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 335 – 341 Journal: Supply Chain Management: an International Journal The other article that has been used for this research study is on the company, Ford Motors. The article analyzes the lean supply chain of t he company and how this system has helped the company in improving the cost and quality of Ford Motors. The findings of the article have revealed that by implementing lean supply chain, the company has been able to reduce its cost, enhance its quality and reduce its lean time. The article also presents recommendation for the company. Wee is one of the authors of the article and he is working at Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering in a university in Taiwan, Chung Yuan Christian University. The other author is Simon Wu and he is not only working in the Chung Yuan Christian University but he is also involved with the ford motors in the Ford Production System Manufacturing Division. Thus this

Monday, November 18, 2019

Philosophy questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Philosophy questions - Assignment Example Also, in a utilitarian context, the outcome of prop 30 will be propitious in the sense that the proposed increase in taxes will not impact the high income segments that drastically, since they will yet be left with much money to support their lifestyle, and will still lead to an outcome that will be favorable and good for the entire society that is the best possible outcome (Scarre 126). Answer 2. Given the context that a CEO decides to lay off 10 percent of the workforce to restore profitability of a firm that has shown looses for two consecutive quarters; Gandolfi will certainly disagree with this strategy. In the vast body of literature produced by Gandolfi on the concept of downsizing, he has immaculately proved beyond doubt that the firms opting for large scale layoffs in response to constrained financial and economic scenarios are not only very rarely able to outperform financially, but layoffs also lead to debilitating consequences, which negatively impact the moral of the left over employees and managers (Gandolfi 3). Yet, most of the CEOs prefer to opt for downsizing, which though registers favorably in the financial statements in the short run, leads to unfavorable long term consequences like lose of the trained and skilled labor, creation of distrust and apprehension in the human resources, depletion of moral, shaking of the investor confidence, falling of stock prices and unemployment. This viewpoint will certainly be supported by Aristotle, who held that the highest good was desirable for itself and all the other goods were subservient to it (Peters 10). Hence, retaining the workforce during tough times is a good that brings within its fold many other goods like employment, investor confidence, high moral and profitability in the long and the short

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Impact of Industrialisation of Wales

Impact of Industrialisation of Wales The industrialisation of Wales has been described as acting as a cauldron of rebirth for the Welsh language. Discuss this statement. Industrialisation in Wales made a large impact on many different parts of Welsh life and culture. The Welsh language, which throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries faced many challenges, was not excluded from this; it is clear to many that industrialisation had a large impact on the Welsh language as a whole during this period. The question that remains, however, is whether the Welsh language was positively affected by industrialisation or not. While it would be best to look at individual provenances along with Wales as a whole, by looking at the country as a whole it is argued that the Welsh language faced hardships. This was due to the fact that overall the number of native Welsh speakers rapidly declined between 1800 and 1911. In 1891, 54.5 percent of the Welsh population could speak Welsh, however this percentage dropped to 44.6 per cent by 1911.[1] This essay shall debate whether industrialisation was indeed a cauldron of rebirth for the Welsh language or whether it d amaged the Welsh language instead, as well as look at other factors that could, in a way, be described as acting as a cauldron of rebirth. It is debated amongst historians whether industrialisation helped the Welsh language flourish during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries or whether it contributed to the gradual decline in native Welsh speakers. Brinley Thomas argues that a large number of people migrated to the south to work in coal mines, though they brought up Welsh-speaking families.[2] Due to this it can be proposed that to some extent industrialisation did, in fact, help the Welsh-language, acting as a cauldron of rebirth. Geraint Jenkins counter-argues this view by stating that as people migrated to the south to work in coal mines, many communities lost thousands of Welsh-speaking people.[3] From this is can be assumed that Jenkins says that as many communities lost so many Welsh-speakers, it therefore means that the Welsh language began to decline, meaning that the industrialisation of Wales was not acting as a cauldron of rebirth for the Welsh language. Regardless, it appears that to many historians that industrialisation had some effect on the Welsh language, though it remains unclear whether this effect was predominantly good or bad. Industrialisation played a key role in the development and modernisation of Great Britain throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Wales was no exception to this, and saw a large surge in industry, especially in the south. Many raw materials such as coal were seen as an important resource that would help the British empire and British economy grow and flourish. Due to this, migration to the south and other industrialised areas on Wales was fairly common. Thomas proposes that the Welsh language was saved by industrialisation during this period rather than damaged by it.[4] This is due to the fact that many families who had migrated to the industrialised areas brought up their children to speak Welsh. Thomas also notes that nearly 900,000 Welsh-speaking people were recorded in the 1891 census. 70 per cent of these people were living in the five counties that were the most deeply affected by industrialization Carmarthenshire, Flintshire, Glamorgan, Caernarfonshire, and Denbi ghshire.[5] Despite this, it is important to note that each town in the south and other industrialised areas had different percentages of those who could speak Welsh. Pontardawe saw 67 per cent of its population speaking only Welsh, no English, whilst Cardiff saw only 1.9 per cent of its population being able to speak Welsh.[6] With this in mind, there appears to be a distinct pattern; town that were closer to the coast and could be used as ports appeared to have less Welsh-speakers inhabiting it than in areas further away, such as areas with coal. Gwenfair and Williams support this point by stating that Cardiff focused mainly on exports.[7] Therefore it can be argued that while industrialisation helped the Welsh language in some areas, in others it continued to struggle, meaning that it cannot rightfully be described as an acting cauldron of rebirth. Continuing from the previous point, the industrialisation of Wales saw an influx of many foreigners. While many of these foreigners came from England in the search for work, others travelled from Ireland and even Italy in order to live and work in Wales.[8] When people migrate many of them bring their language and culture with them, meaning that it is highly probable that Welsh towns that saw a large amount of migrants had to adapt to accommodate these new languages and cultures. Merthyr had 12 per cent of its population migrate from outside Wales in the 1840s, with Pontypool seeing more than 30 per cent of its population coming from outside Wales.[9] Looking at Pontypool in particular, 89.7 per cent of its population could speak English but no Welsh; this indicates that migrants had quite the influence over Pontypool as English became the predominant language in that region, especially the English. As well as this, many Welsh-born people migrated outside of Wales, including America, due to industrialization. The 1891 American census revealed that 100,079 Welsh people lived in the United States.[10] With these people moving to an English-speaking nation, it is logical that they would learn and speak English in order to get the best opportunities; this would mean that the number of Welsh-speaking people most likely declined as parents saw no need to teach their children Welsh in a foreign country. This view is contradicted by Thomas, however, who states that a vast majority of immigration during this period was Welshmen moving to the north or south in order to look for work in coalmines or factories.[11] With industrialisation having an impact on migration as a whole, it is safe to say that migration did not necessarily help the Welsh language, instead making the numbers of those who spoke it decline. Welsh education saw many changes, some of them quite dramatic, and did have an overall effect on the Welsh language in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. As education in Wales was controlled by the English government at the time, the English language was push in many schools throughout Wales. This issue was brought up in the Treachery of the Blue Books in 1847 along with other problems the Welsh education system was facing at the time. The Education Act of 1870 made matters worse, especially in weak Welsh-speaking areas, as English was further pushed in schools. Children could no longer learn Welsh in schools, instead having to rely on parents as well as Sunday schools in order to learn the language properly. In some areas, this meant that Welsh quickly became a minority language. As Welsh was no longer taught in schools, this meant that the survival of the Welsh language depended on parents, Sunday schools and preachers who passed the language on to younger generations.[12] Th e Education Act of 1870 had an impact on the whole of Wales, especially in the south. This can be seen by how in Cardiff in 1847, there were ninety-three schools that taught in English; none taught in only Welsh.[13] Attitudes towards education in Wales did not help either. In his book Welsh Political and Educational Leaders in the Victorian Era, Morgan stated that Lord Aberdareà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ in 1885, declared thatà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ he had come to the conclusion that the teaching of Welsh should not be made compulsory.[14] This attitude towards education in Wales would therefore mean that, to some, the Welsh language should survive through family rather than education. This suggests that the change in education did not have a positive effect on the Welsh language, and that it cannot be described as acting as a cauldron of rebirth like industrialisation and migration can. As previously mentioned, the Welsh language appeared to rely on parents and religion in order to survive in predominantly English-speaking areas. As services were carried out in Welsh and Sunday schools taught Welsh children how to speak and read Welsh, it can be argued that religion in Wales can therefore be described as acting as a cauldron of rebirth for the Welsh language. Nonconformity was the main religion in Wales, meaning that a vast majority of services were in Welsh. However, it was rumoured that Nonconformist meetings practiced illicit sex, which presented the idea that Welsh women were therefore unchaste.[15] This meant that Welsh-speakers would face much prejudice from English-speakers, which may have prompted some to change religion and therefore slowly stop speaking Welsh. Despite this, it can be proposed that the Welsh language survived due to Sunday schools, which is stated by D. Yorath. Yorath states that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ the influence of the Welsh pulpit and Sunday schools will certainly prevent it becoming extinct in a letter to the editor of the South Wales Daily News, October 1897. From this it is somewhat clear how much of an influence religion had on the Welsh language, which arguably gives it the right to be described as acting as a cauldron of rebirth for the Welsh language. Prejudice towards Welsh-speakers, however, appeared to be quite common, especially in industrial areas were English tended to be the preferred language by many. This therefore created a stigma surrounding the Welsh language, which negatively impacted it. It can be argued that this stigma is what caused some areas of Welsh society to almost neglect the Welsh language. Much like with many factors, the attitude that society has towards a particular area impacts greatly how well it does or not. Many parents appeared to be put off by the idea of their child speaking Welsh due to how it was seen as a lazy language. This led to many middle-class families mainly speaking English, only choosing to speak Welsh when it was deemed necessary.[16] Welsh was seen as the language for the working class and the lower-middle class, with Davies pointing out that upper-class Welsh-speaking families were non-existent in the nineteenth century.[17] English was seen as the language of business by many, which meant that in order to receive a good paying job speaking English was necessary. Many middle-class families therefore saw no need to teach their children Welsh; there was no need to learn a language that appeared to have very little importance in the wider world. Interestingly, Morgan states that it was in fact middle-class Welshmen who pushed for the compulsory tea ching of Welsh in schools.[18] This is most likely due to the increase in Welsh nationalism during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Some Welshmen felt as though an identity for Wales was needed, one that would be separate from England, which resulted in the revival of the Eisteddfodau in the late eighteenth century; Morgan even states that The Victorian Era is canonised because it is the era in which the glory of modern Welsh Nationality began to shine.[19] Therefore, from this it can be assumed that the demand for Welsh to be taught in schools was due to nationalism in Wales during this period. Although society did play a key role in ensuring the survival of the Welsh language, it cannot be rightfully described as acting as a cauldron for rebirth due to the fact that society did appear to be torn during this period on whether or not the Welsh language was still important. Whilst many nationalists wanted the Welsh language to continue to thrive, others preferred to speak Eng lish as it meant that they had many more opportunities in the wider world. The statement that industrialisation can be described as acting as a cauldron of rebirth for the Welsh language is true to come extent. It is important to note that while it can be argued that the Welsh language declined due to industrialisation, the Welsh language has still survived to this day and, in some areas, even grew stronger due to industrialisation. However, it should be recognised that not only industrialisation had a positive impact on the Welsh language. Migration, which increased mainly due to industrialisation in south Wales, and religion also played a key role in helping the Welsh language survive. Due to this it is safe to assume that these three factors can all be described as acting as a cauldron of rebirth. Some historians, such as Thomas, support this statement and believe that industrialisation as a whole had a positive effect on the Welsh language. Not one factor helped revive the Welsh language; it would be better to say that many different factors contributed to the survival of the Welsh language. Therefore, due to the fact that the Welsh language still thrives in many Welsh communities today, industrialisation was one factor that was a cauldron of rebirth for the Welsh language. Bibliography: Primary sources: Jones, Dot. Statistical Evidence Relating to the Welsh Language 1801-1911. Cardiff, 1998. Morgan, J. Vyrnwy. Welsh Political and Educational Leaders in the Victorian Era. London 1908. Yorath, D. Writing to the Editor of the South Wales Daily News, 27th October 1897. ( Secondary Sources: Brinley, Thomas. The Industrial Revolution and the Atlantic Economy. USA and Canada, 1993. Davies, Cennard. The Welsh Language: The story of Britains oldest living language. Talybont, 2006. Davies, Janet. The Welsh Language. Cardiff, 1988. Davies, Janet. The Welsh Language: A History. Cardiff, 2014. Davies, Russell. Hope and Heartbreak. Cardiff, 2005. Davies, Russell. People, Places Passion. Cardiff, 2015. Jenkins, Geraint H. Language and Community in the Nineteenth Century. Cardiff, 1998. Jenkins, Geraint H. The Welsh Language before the Industrial Revolution. Cardiff, 1997. Parry, Gwenfair and Williams, Mari A. The Welsh Language and the 1891 Census. Cardiff, 1999. [1] Jones, Dot. Statistical Evidence Relating to the Welsh Language 1801-1911, p. 225. [2] Thomas, Brinley. The Industrial Revolution and the Atlantic Economy, p. 208. [3] Jenkins, Geraint. The Welsh Language and its Social Domains. p. 2. [4] Thomas, Brinley. The Industrial Revolution and the Atlantic Economy, p 209. [5] Thomas, Brinley. The Industrial Revolution and the Atlantic Economy, p. [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] [6] Jones, Dot. Statistical Evidence Relating to the Welsh Language 1801-1911, p. 226. [7] Parry, Gwenfair and Williams, Mari A. The Welsh Language and the 1891 Census, p.p. 54-55. [8] Davies, Russell. People, Places Passions, p. 25. [9] Davies, Janet. The Welsh Language: A History, p. 57. [10] Davies, Russell. People, Places Passions, p. 25. [11] Thomas, Brinley. The Welsh Language and the Atlantic Economy, p. 208. [12] Morgan, J. Vyrnwy. Welsh Political and Educational Leaders in the Victorian Era, p. 18. [13] Jones, Dot. Statistical Evidence Relating to the Welsh Language, p. 359. [14] Morgan, J. Vyrnwy. Welsh Political and Educational Leaders in the Victorian Era, p.p. 18-19. [15] Davies, Janet. The Welsh Language, p. 43. [16] Morgan, J. Vrynwy. Welsh Political and Educational Leaders in the Victorian Era, p. 16. [17] Davies, Janet. The Welsh Language, p. 41. [18] Morgan, J. Vrynwy. Welsh Political and Educational Leaders in the Victorian Era, p. 16. [19] Morgan, J Vrynwy. Welsh Political and Educational Leaders in the Victorian Era, p. 11.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Use of Animals in Art Spiegelmans Maus: A Survivors Tale :: Art Spiegelman Maus A Survivor?s Tale

The Use of Animals in Art Spiegelman's Maus: A Survivor’s Tale The Maus series of books tell a very powerful story about one man’s experience in the Holocaust. They do not tell the story in the conventional novel fashion. Instead, the books take on an approach that uses comic windows as a method of conveying the story. One of the most controversial aspects of this method was the use of animals to portray different races of people. The use of animals as human races shows the reader the ideas of the Holocaust a lot more forcefully than simply using humans as the characters. Art Spiegelman decided on a very interesting, and possibly offensive to some, scheme of different animals to use. The first type of animal that appears is the mouse (Maus 1 p. 5). Mice were used to represent the Jewish people during the Holocaust as well as the present day. Polish police were involved in the first arrest of Jewish persons (Maus 1 p. 27). Polish people were represented with pigs. Once the Germans appeared, the scheme of the animals began to make sense (Maus 1 p. 33). Germans were shown by the use of cats. The last animal to appear were the dogs (Maus 2 p. 12). The dogs are Americans, and were always friendly to the Jewish people. The relationship between these animals portray the ideas of the Holocaust very well. Mice are small and scrawny creatures which are usually hunted by Cats. Cats chase mice and attempt to devour them, much like the Germans hunted down the Jews during the mass genocide. Pigs are very greedy and self centered. During the story, the Polish(Pigs) sold out the Jewish people on many occasions (Maus I p. 143). An example is when Vladek and his family were staying at Kawka’s farm. â€Å"They may come search here any minute! You’ve got to leave!† In this situation, Kawka was not telling the truth, but only trying to protect herself. Dogs chase cats, which in the book was symbolic because the Americans sympathized with the Jewish people. These are very rudimentary overviews of the animals, but they will serve for the purposes of this essay. In the Maus series, the life of Vladek during the Holocaust was detailed. The animals were used to illustrate a point of view. Use of Animals in Art Spiegelman's Maus: A Survivor's Tale :: Art Spiegelman Maus A Survivor?s Tale The Use of Animals in Art Spiegelman's Maus: A Survivor’s Tale The Maus series of books tell a very powerful story about one man’s experience in the Holocaust. They do not tell the story in the conventional novel fashion. Instead, the books take on an approach that uses comic windows as a method of conveying the story. One of the most controversial aspects of this method was the use of animals to portray different races of people. The use of animals as human races shows the reader the ideas of the Holocaust a lot more forcefully than simply using humans as the characters. Art Spiegelman decided on a very interesting, and possibly offensive to some, scheme of different animals to use. The first type of animal that appears is the mouse (Maus 1 p. 5). Mice were used to represent the Jewish people during the Holocaust as well as the present day. Polish police were involved in the first arrest of Jewish persons (Maus 1 p. 27). Polish people were represented with pigs. Once the Germans appeared, the scheme of the animals began to make sense (Maus 1 p. 33). Germans were shown by the use of cats. The last animal to appear were the dogs (Maus 2 p. 12). The dogs are Americans, and were always friendly to the Jewish people. The relationship between these animals portray the ideas of the Holocaust very well. Mice are small and scrawny creatures which are usually hunted by Cats. Cats chase mice and attempt to devour them, much like the Germans hunted down the Jews during the mass genocide. Pigs are very greedy and self centered. During the story, the Polish(Pigs) sold out the Jewish people on many occasions (Maus I p. 143). An example is when Vladek and his family were staying at Kawka’s farm. â€Å"They may come search here any minute! You’ve got to leave!† In this situation, Kawka was not telling the truth, but only trying to protect herself. Dogs chase cats, which in the book was symbolic because the Americans sympathized with the Jewish people. These are very rudimentary overviews of the animals, but they will serve for the purposes of this essay. In the Maus series, the life of Vladek during the Holocaust was detailed. The animals were used to illustrate a point of view.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Cola Wars †The Carbonated Soft Drink Industry Essay

Threat of New Entry The existing players in the soft drink industry have much advantage relative to new entrants. First, supply-side economy discourages new entrants by forcing them to enter the market in large scale. CSD’s demand side benefits of scale also makes it difficult for new entrants to be accepted by the public. In 2002, a survey found that 37% of respondents chose a CSD because it is their favorite brand, while only 10% said so about bottled water. This demonstrates CSD customers’ high brand loyalty and their lack of desire to buy from new entrants. In terms of capital requirement, concentrate manufacturers only requires $25~$50 million to set up a plant that can serve the entire United States of America. Yet, new entrants may have difficulties competing with major players’ well-established brands and their large scale unrecoverable (therefore, hard to finance) spending on advertising. There is also unequal access to bottlers and retail channels for newcomers. Most bottlers are in long-term contracts with major CSD brands; also, the largest distribution channel, supermarkets, consider CSD a â€Å"big traffic draw†, thus provide little to no shelf space for newcomers. In addition, strong fear of retaliation from major players also makes newcomers hesitate to enter. Bargaining Power of Suppliers Required inputs for CSD are mostly raw materials such as caramel coloring, phosphoric or citric acid, natural flavors, caffeine, and fructose. Almost all suppliers of the CSD industry provide undifferentiated commodities and thus have little bargaining power and almost no strength to integrate forward. Bargaining Power of Buyers End consumers and retail channels can both be considered as buyers in the CSD industry. End consumers are likely to have brand loyalty to their CSD as analyzed in threat of new entry. Thus, consumers are expected to continue purchasing a brand unless there is a significant price increase or substantial change in flavor. Consequently, end consumers have little bargaining power. Retail channels, on the other hand, have more bargaining leverage since they buy CSDs in much larger quantities than end consumers. Yet, for retail channels such as supermarkets (making up almost one third of all retail volume), CSDs are considered a â€Å"big traffic draw†, thus reducing its bargaining power. In addition, fountain outlets (making up another 23.4% of retail channel) also have insignificant bargaining power since they rely on CSD companies’ heavy investment in dispensers, cups, point-of-sale advertising, and many other types of equipment. Threat of Substitutes CSDs are unique in terms of taste and properties. When a consumer craves CSD, it is difficult to find a replacement that can equally satisfy his or her desire. Even after CSD was identified as the â€Å"largest source of obesity-causing sugars in the American diet† in 2005, CSDs still â€Å"accounted for 73.1% of U.S. non-alcoholic refreshment beverage volume (down from 80.8% in 2000)† at around the same time. It is true that consumers are moving towards alternatives that have more natural flavors such as several tea-based drinks and bottled water; yet, CSD firms have quickly adapted to this shift and largely dominated the market of these alternatives. Rivalry Among Existing Competitors Even though rivalry among existing competitors – Coke, Pepsi, and Cadbury Schweppes seem intense, the profitability has not been weakened. This is largely because of the high concentration of competition and their focus on promotion, advertising, and other forms of branding instead of waging large-scale price wars. In a way, the success of Coke and Pepsi required the heavy competition on these dimensions. â€Å"Without Coke, Pepsi would have a tough time being an original and lively competitor. The more successful they (Coke) are, the sharper we (Pepsi) have to be.† says Roger Enrico, former CEO of Pepsi. The CSD industry profitability lies within the Cola War itself that forces major players to improve continuously. Through Porter’s five forces analysis, it becomes clear that CSD is so profitable because of the way its industry competition is shaped: high entry barriers due to newcomers’ unfavorable supply-side economies of scale, demand-side benefits of scale, and unrecoverable advertising spending; low bargaining power of suppliers and buyers since CSD requires mainly homogeneous commodities, buyers have high brand loyalty, and retailers rely heavily on CSD firms’ investments; well handled threat of substitutes; and healthy internal rivalry that is vital to continuous improvement.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Jeffery Dahmer

Childhood "When I was a little kid I was just like anybody else." Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer came into the world at 4.34pm on the 21st of May at the Evangelical Deaconess Hospital in Milwaukee 1960. Little did his parents know at the time of his birth that there son would become one of America's most famous serial killers not only for the amount of victims which he had killed but also for dismembering them and his necrophilic tendencies. Jeffrey's childhood started like any other he had two parents who loved and adored there son dearly giving him what ever his heart desired. Joyce Dahmer started a scrap book on her son recording events that happened in his life, his first step, his first accident, his first tooth, his first haircut and even his first scolding. While Jeffrey was still very young his father worked long hours in his laboratory and his mother worked as a teletype machine instructor. But the carrying of Jeffrey had been hard on Joyce Dahmer and every little thing seemed to ann oy her. So Lionel being the the husband that he was and wanting the best for his wife they moved to his mothers house in West Allis, but the crack's in the marriage started to show early. There were constant fights between Joyce and Lionel Dahmer and Jeffrey took each of these fights to heart. Little did they realise that there constant fighting would be the one of the reasons for Jeffrey's downfall. "I decided I wasn't ever going to get married because I never wanted to go through anything like that" A short time before Jeffrey's fourth birthday, Jeffrey was diagnosed with a double hernia that needed to be operated on. This operation left Jeffrey feeling open and exposed nobody explained to Dahmer what was going on. He felt scared by the operation, complete strangers coming up to him and exploring his body. This experience is said to have marked his subconscious forever. But like every little boy of Jeffrey's age he was just like anybody else climbing apple... Free Essays on Jeffery Dahmer Free Essays on Jeffery Dahmer Childhood "When I was a little kid I was just like anybody else." Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer came into the world at 4.34pm on the 21st of May at the Evangelical Deaconess Hospital in Milwaukee 1960. Little did his parents know at the time of his birth that there son would become one of America's most famous serial killers not only for the amount of victims which he had killed but also for dismembering them and his necrophilic tendencies. Jeffrey's childhood started like any other he had two parents who loved and adored there son dearly giving him what ever his heart desired. Joyce Dahmer started a scrap book on her son recording events that happened in his life, his first step, his first accident, his first tooth, his first haircut and even his first scolding. While Jeffrey was still very young his father worked long hours in his laboratory and his mother worked as a teletype machine instructor. But the carrying of Jeffrey had been hard on Joyce Dahmer and every little thing seemed to ann oy her. So Lionel being the the husband that he was and wanting the best for his wife they moved to his mothers house in West Allis, but the crack's in the marriage started to show early. There were constant fights between Joyce and Lionel Dahmer and Jeffrey took each of these fights to heart. Little did they realise that there constant fighting would be the one of the reasons for Jeffrey's downfall. "I decided I wasn't ever going to get married because I never wanted to go through anything like that" A short time before Jeffrey's fourth birthday, Jeffrey was diagnosed with a double hernia that needed to be operated on. This operation left Jeffrey feeling open and exposed nobody explained to Dahmer what was going on. He felt scared by the operation, complete strangers coming up to him and exploring his body. This experience is said to have marked his subconscious forever. But like every little boy of Jeffrey's age he was just like anybody else climbing apple...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Dramatic Irony in Oedipus Essay Essays

Dramatic Irony in Oedipus Essay Essays Dramatic Irony in Oedipus Essay Paper Dramatic Irony in Oedipus Essay Paper In the drama written by Sophocles. Oedipus the King. there are several cases of sarcasm. Dramatic sarcasm. or tragic sarcasm as some critics would prefer to name it. normally means a state of affairs in which the character of the drama has limited cognition and says or does something in which they have no thought of the significance. The audience. nevertheless. already has the cognition of what is traveling to happen or what the effects of the characters actions will be. The grade of sarcasm and the consequence it has depends upon the readers’ appreciation and acknowledgment of some disagreement between two things. Our first gustatory sensation of dramatic sarcasm comes really early into the drama when Oedipus vows to convey to justice the slayer of Laius. which is in world himself. When he learns that the delivery of justness of Laius’ killer will free the metropolis of a awful pestilence. he sets forth with a program to track down the slayer. Oedipus begins to cuss the slayer and vows: Oedipus: As for the condemnable. I pray to God – Whether it be a lurking stealer. or one of a figure – I pray that that man’s life be consumed in immorality and misery. And as for me. this expletive applies no lupus erythematosus ( 968 ) This is really dry. as Oedipus is so. without cognition of the truth. speaking about himself. Another illustration of dramatic sarcasm is the power of destiny and Oedipus’ impotence against it. Throughout the drama we are cognizant of Oedipus’ destiny and we realize there is nil that he can make to alter it. When Oedipus tells his metropolis after listening to their supplication for aid against the awful illness and pestilence that has taken over the metropolis: Oedipus: I know that you are deathlike ill ; and yet. Sick as you are. non one is every bit ill as I. ( 963 ) The audience understands the truth and the sarcasm in that statement. Oedipus should non worry about himself going ‘sick’ for he is already infested with the illness. A 3rd illustration of the sarcasm of Oedipus is the fact that Oedipus seemed to be unsighted and deaf to the truth. He appears to be on a valorous hunt for the truth and justness of the slayer of Laius. yet refuses to hear the truth when it is spoken to him. In order to hear the truth Oedipus needed to be able to hear and construe it. yet he merely heard what he wanted to hear. Therefore rendering him unable to understand the enigma of who he genuinely was. In this drama at that place seems to be a changeless twine of sarcasms throughout. Oedipus is in denial of the truth. In his dramatic addresss he misconstrues the information that he has been given by Teiresias. every bit good as Creon and Iocaste. The dismaying realisation that the prognostication of the Sphinx is in fact the truth. causes Oedipus to blind himself. The audience therefore pities him. which is a consequence of the usage of dramatic sarcasm. The usage of sarcasm in a drama allows the author to do their audience want to see how the events which are happening. mentally affect the chief character. even if they already know how the narrative will stop. as in Oedipus the King. Kennedy. X. J. . and Gioia Dana. â€Å"Oedipus the King† Literature: An Introduction to Fiction. Poetry. and Drama. 2nd edition. New York: Addison Wesley Longman. 2000. 960-1005.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Hamiltons Views on Judicial Power Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Hamiltons Views on Judicial Power - Essay Example The concept is enshrined in the constitution of the United States and in the various states that expressly forbids each branch of government to usurp the power of any other branch. Hamilton gives the anxiety of their time that because the legislature holds the purse strings and the executive the sword of society, the impartiality of the courts can be undermined, that it is the weakest branch of government with neither will nor force to enforce its judgement. Considering the fact that the the constitution provides for certain limitations which the legislature is proscribed from enacting such as bill of attainder, ex-post facto law, the question arosed on how the courts may declare such unconstitutional law null and void with impartiality and justice. Hamilton rationalized that the two non-judicial branches must not take offense for the declaration of their acts as unconstitutional as one of interference because the court is only declaring the letter of the constitution and did not do so as one superior to them, that the act does not constitute a substitution of their will or pleasure. The constitution, in order to assure the independence of judges, declares their tenure of service as permanent based pm good behavior. The periodic appointment of judges would likely indebt them to either executive or legislative branch responsible for their appointment. The independence of the judiciary is essential to the enforcement of the constitution because it is an aspect, like that of separation of powers, of the concept of "checks and balance" and ultimately of governance. Judicial independence is not only a normative ideal but an institutional virtue as well. And in the said virtue and ideal lies the capacity of the courts to protect individual rights, to police the structural limits of governmental power and to decide individual disputes based on the applicable law and the factual records of each case without regard to intimidation or other impermissible influences, if any. Judge Learned Hand (1958) urged caution in the exercise of judicial power. He considered the source and nature of the power of judicial constitutional review as necessary to prevent the failure of the government created by the constitution. He also proposed judicial restraint, saying that the power should be "confined to the need that evoked it" meaning, as a check on the usurpation of power by the other branches. For him the judiciary plays the necessary role in maintaining a government "between absolutism and the kind of democracy that so often prevailed in Greek cities during the sixth to fourth centuries before our era." Like Hamilton and Montesquieu, Hand believes that no single branch should have absolute power, especially not the judiciary. Modern thinkers (Shane, 1998) proffer that the paradigm of judicial restraint may often be misleading, unhelpful and even counter-productive. They propose another paradigm, that of "inter-branch accountability." They admit that "every branch has the power to make life more difficult for

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Tornado and Hurricane formation processes Research Paper

Tornado and Hurricane formation processes - Research Paper Example The disastrous tornado began in Missouri and stayed on the ground for about 220 miles moving at a super speed to Illinois and Extending to Indiana (The tornado project 2012) The tornado left a trail on its passage measuring approximately 1.6 kilometers in width. Approximately six hundred and ninety eight persons lost their lives whereas two thousand people experienced injuries. (The tornado project 2012) On 14th April, 2011 a series of deadly tornadoes hit the Southern United States devastating the Cities of Oklahoma to Northern Carolina where dozens of people lost their lives and property (The tornado project 2012) According to Weisman et al 1982, concur that majority of violent tornadoes are spawned by Supercells storms; these storms undergo an average rotational movement (cyclonic in nature) with the highest vorticity almost coincident with the updraft core. The average rotational movement is referred as the mesocyclone. Supercells are always developed in extremely high convectibl e existing potential energy characterized by warm, moist air within the PBL and a lot of cool air aloft; large winds shear as well as convectible inhibition. Other factors responsible for the formation of Supercells may include the availability of dry air within the troposphere. This may be directed into the storm, cooled by an evaporative cooling in within the mixed air parcel. This condition leads to the development of the down draft. Strong down drafts implies strong updrafts as well as more severe storms.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Preschool Observation at CCLC Daycare Case Study

Preschool Observation at CCLC Daycare - Case Study Example He dislikes arts and crafts. I chose Tomi to observe because of his reaction when I dropped my pencil at the beginning of the observation. Tomi was the only child who looked over at the sound; he picked it up and handed it to me, getting my attention with that gesture of kindness. I could tell with that one action that Tomi was both observant and sociable, and the observation that followed confirmed this instinct. It was just after naptime when I arrived, and the children were picking up their rest things. Tomi was doing so very neatly, gently placing his blanket on the table and handing his rest mat to his teacher. When he was finished with this, he walked over to another child who was still sleeping. He knelt down and woke her up, saying "Hey, it's a wake-up time, wake up!† His friend stirred and woke up, and as soon as her eyes were open, he asked her if she needed his help. This showed me that Tomi is able to identify with others' needs, which places him at an advanced leve l within the context of Piaget's theories. At the pre-operational level, most children have difficulty identifying with others, but Tomi's tendency to be helpful without prompting shows that perhaps he is beginning to be able to take on others' perspectives. When Tomi began wandering around the room again, he found a few friends who were already awake and packed up, and started talking with them. The subject of Ninja Turtles came up, and Tomi talked about them animatedly. I was able to observe a great deal about his speech and language development during this time. Tomi uses full sentences of about 5 to 6 words each. He uses past tense correctly, talking about what one of the Ninja Turtles did during an episode of the cartoon. He is able to tell a simple story, using a two-sentence description of what one of the Turtles did in the same episode. In speech and language, Tomi appears to be at a normal developmental level. Snack time followed rest. Cheese and crackers were served, but T omi asked his teacher for only cheese because he didn't want the cracker. He made this request very politely, and his teacher was happy to oblige. This showed an ability to make requests to meet his needs and use polite terms like â€Å"please,† which he did, placing him at a developmentally appropriate level. When Tomi finished his snack, he found a cube of cheese on the floor and he ate it. He did this without seeming to perceive that anyone might not think it an appropriate thing to do; he didn't check to see if the teacher was looking or act secretive. Without knowing whether or not he has been told not to eat things off the floor, it is difficult to infer cognitive ability from this action. However, it does show an ability to reason logically: Cheese is tasty, that cheese is there, I will eat it. As the children cleaned up their snack, Christmas songs were playing in the background. When Tomi was finished cleaning, he started dancing around the room to the music. When hi s teacher noticed, she asked him to go back to his place. I couldn't help wishing she had complimented his dancing or remarked that he must be enjoying the music before she asked him to stop dancing. He seemed very free and excited, and I wanted someone to share his joy.  

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Elizabeth Costello in J.M Coetzees in relation to the theme of Kafkas works Essay Example for Free

Elizabeth Costello in J.M Coetzees in relation to the theme of Kafkas works Essay Elizabeth Costello is a humane, ethical and uncompromising creation of Coetzee. In Coetzee’s book The Lives of Animals, Costello is used to describe her dislike and rejection of the rationality of the criteria justifying the unequal treatment of animals. Costello claims that the purpose of the book is to clarify that to differentiate beings with regard of their species is a form of discrimination, indefensible and immoral. Costello also maintains that she had chosen the path not because she was not aware of the crucial kind of thoughts and sentiments of respect regarding other creatures, but because the reason was more universal and compelling to appeal. Costello maintains though she admired those who eliminated speciesism form their lives due to their compassionate regard for other creatures she did not believe a pressure to empathy and good-heartedness only would prove to majority of the people into the wrongness of speciesism. Nevertheless, the messages Costello portrays are not from the invisible world although from the invisible of this world most cases the voiceless like animals that she can access by imagination. She is not worried with other earthly, disembodied voices, although this-worldly, embodied and embedded voices, dead or alive perpetrators fictional or historical. The human critics such as Costello are opposed to the authority of the world of other world as he is to the powers of this world. Costello proclaims that there is not any salvation to be brought into being in an afterlife in immortality. Costello is midwife not to immortal Forms, although a mortal voices and to being of the voices. The power of imagination stays not only in its potential to stir up and listen to other voices and to enter into speaking for other including for the voiceless but also use narrative to depiction literature in the particular work of narrative that rationally is divine spark that raises mankind above the rest of nature therefore in showing our continuity with animal-kind which allows us to regain our death, our humanity and imperfectness. The similarities between Costello and Socrates are outstanding, and are more striking than their differences. Similar to Socrates, Costello attempts to prompt persons to realize their humanity, to open their hearts, to the anguish of animals. Costello just like Socrates is faced by unfairness, which in her case is the discrimination of specialism, which she attempts to dispel with counter-illusions. â€Å"What does one choose the side of justice when it is not in one’s material interest to? The magistrates give the rather Platonic answer: because we are born with the idea of justice. † (Paola, et al. , 95). In The Lives of Animals the disregarded has come to take account of non-human animals. Costello is convinced that there is a crime regarding animals as stupid that is perpetrated towards animals. Costello challenge is to attempt to extend justice to animals especially to those that resemble humans. In Socrates, Plato’s mouthpiece in the Republic, spends the whole discussion arguing for justice suggesting that it is better to live rightly and show to be unjust than being unjust with all material rewards that come by and yet show to be just, Costello ends her speech by saying that proof points in the opposite direction and that individuals can do anything and get away with it that there is no reprimand. In The Poets and the Animals Costello disapproves the ecological approach to animals suggested by Plato since Plato’s perception implies that only human beings can understand the position of living things in the entire picture of natural world and as a result solely have the right to manage animal populations not including human population. Therefore (Paola, et al. , 102), might have valid point which is that a person should not enforce principled vegetarianism on a society but its misdirected as a disapproval of the position of Costello since she had gone to the great lengths to disapprove reason as decisive criterion of moral worth and as an only means to live an ethical life. Costello maintains that it is not right to construe the animal rights movement like imposing vegetarianism upon free citizens. Instead it appears as protecting the interests and the rights of nonhuman animals, guarding animals form exploitation, though this might as well lead to outlawing the eating of meat. Nevertheless, is clear that just as Coetzee distrusts commitment to moral principles he is suspicious of certain notions of justice. Coetzee and Costello’s aim is to alter the heart of individuals through feeling, friction and compassionate imagination instead of enforcing a large-scale utopian changing of society as purportedly stated by reason. Costello is perceived as arrogantly superior and as heralding a foreign set of values that of fighting for animal rights in opposition to blindly anthropocentric culture, and both individuals made numerous enemies by courageously inquiring the prejudices of the people around them. The arrogance of Costello can be demonstrated by certain members his audience anger having their discrimination and lack of knowledge exposed. In addition, Costello seems to be earnestly attempting to break through the shadows of ignorance and prejudice with the light of her imaginative sympathy and is ready to admit that she dose not understand that she could be correct â€Å"Am I fantasizing it all? I must be mad! † (Derek, 69). Costello might be ironically aware that some of her images might be imaginative for example when she gives anthropomorphic feelings to ape, Sultan: â€Å"In his deepest being Sultan is not interested in the banana problem. Only the experimenter’s single-minded regimentation compels him on it. The question that truly occupies him, as it occupies a rat and the cat and other animal trapped in hell f the laboratory or the zoo, is: where is home, and how do I get there? † (Stephen, 69). Costello was attempting to get her audience to think, feel and imagine that in new ways about something persons do not care to regard at all, specifically their use and abuse of animals: certainly she desires people to imagine how it would experience in the place of an exploited animal a state of powerlessness. Costello believes the mission will awaken individuals form their assertive sleep. Costello does not attempt to reject the reason for the infallibility and its assertion to make a distinction between animals and human beings and therefore doe not give good reason for the exploitation of animals. In The Lives of Animals, Coetzee portrays Costello as a Socrates figure. The analysis starts with â€Å"What is Realism? † since it was first in 1997, prior to its publishing in Elizabeth Costello in 2003. The Socratic and Platonic ideologies are clearly evident in this story strengthens the contention that Costello plays a role as Socratic figure in The Lives of Animals. Certainly, Coetzee refers to this story in his fist foot note of The Lives of Animals therefore further sustaining this perspective. In â€Å"What is Realism? † Platonic ideas are crucial to the story. Even though Coetzee keeps interrupting his realist mode and drawing attention to the fact that it is an undertaking therefore suggesting that realism and certainly all fiction deals with imaginations and there are times the power of fiction to attain immortality is asserted though always ironical. The depiction to the monkeys echoes Costello’s discussion of Kafka’s ape, suggesting that artistic creation is what differentiates humans from other animals. The story of Socrates might also illuminate other features of Elizabeth Costello, as described in The Lives of Animals, namely her reference to her embodiedness and her mortality. A similar relationship takes place between Costello and Coetzee, and in spite of his undeniable intellectual contributions as a public thinker, Coetzee remains retiring and an imaginary figure. On the other hand Costello is depicted as heavily embodied throughout Elizabeth Costello and The Lives of Animals. Behind every dialogue of Plato Socrates emerges and there is a consciousness of the fact that Socrates will be executed by the Athenian democracy for impiety and corruption of the youth. The same feeling of Costello’s mortality, together with a declining sense of desire, accompanies all Coetzee’s works in which he is featured. Therefore when Costello cannot be regarded as a martyr for her beliefs as did the Socrates there is nevertheless a feeing in which she is dying for her beliefs. Costello’s own mortality and feeling of her mortality heightens her compassion for animals that are being bred in numerous numbers and when still healthy and young are being exploited for experimentation, hunting testing and slaughter. â€Å"After a long flight, Costello is looking at her age. She has never taken care of her appearance; she used to be able to get away with it; now it shows. Old and tired. † (Stephen, 3). These illustrations continue in the beginning of the first paragraph of The Lives of Animals: He is waiting at the gate when her flight comes in. Two years have passed since he last saw his mother; despite himself, he is shocked at how she has aged. Her hair, which had had sneaks of gray in it, now was entirely white; her shoulders stoop; her flesh has grown flabby. In Costello’s speeches death is recurrent topic, in a sense The Lives of Animals reads like a memento mori for Coetzee himself. John (Costello’s son) guesses that his mother was about to talk about death. John dose not enjoy Costello talking about death and in addition her audience who majority consists of young people do not want any talks regarding death. Costello goes ahead in comparing the mass killing of animals in abattoirs to the mass killings of Jews in Nazi death camps. All through her speech, Costello talk about and describes the Nazi death camps and she returns to discuss death while talking about Nagel’s bat-being. â€Å"What I know is what a corpse does not know: that it is extinct, that it knows nothing and will never know anything more. For an instant, before my whole structure of knowledge collapses in panic, I am alive inside that contradiction, dead and alive at the same time. † (Derek, 32). Costello’s talk about lives of animals can be more or less lessened to her own solitude, seclusion and awareness of her own human mortality and all that she required was compassionate interaction with other human beings. In Slow man Costello is illustrated as returning rejuvenated. In The Lives of Animals, when Costello starts her conversation, she returns to her use of Kafka earlier in another speech, â€Å"What is Realism? † in which she identifies with Kafka’s ape, Red Peter. In both cases Costello points her similarity with Red Peter in that they are both salaried entertainers performing before a literate audience. Afterwards in her speech, Costello returns again to Kafka, and uses the terminologyâ€Å" amanuensis† two times with reference to the association between Kafka and his imaginative creation, the ape Red Peter (Franz, 35). The meaning of â€Å"amanuensis† is a person employed to take dictation or to copy manuscripts. The use of the phrase is not usual since it implies that Kafka the author took dictation from Red Peters in his imaginative creation. The same case applies in the relation between the writer Coetzee and Costello his imaginative creation. In the two cases, the normal causal association between the author and the character, creature and creator is interchanged. Costello and Red Peters are used by the authors as creatures that have an artistic reliability, a life of their own, which the authors have represented faithfully. The authors have respected the individual beings and voices of these creations. The two creations are required to come across as living animals and not just the ideal of animals. In â€Å"What is Realism? † Costello disputes that the greatness of Kafka is that Kafka stays awake during the gaps when people are sleeping. † WORKS CITED Derek, Attridge, J. M. Coetzee and the Ethics of Reading: Literature in the Event. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2004. Stephen, Mulhall, The Wounded Animal: J. M. Coetzee the Difficulty of Reality in Literature and Philosophy. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2008. Paola, et al. , The Death of the Animal: A Dialogue, New York: Columbia University Press: 2009. Franz, Kafka, The Diaries of Franz Kafka 1910–23 . London: Vintage, 1999.