Thursday, October 31, 2019

Preschool Observation at CCLC Daycare Case Study

Preschool Observation at CCLC Daycare - Case Study Example He dislikes arts and crafts. I chose Tomi to observe because of his reaction when I dropped my pencil at the beginning of the observation. Tomi was the only child who looked over at the sound; he picked it up and handed it to me, getting my attention with that gesture of kindness. I could tell with that one action that Tomi was both observant and sociable, and the observation that followed confirmed this instinct. It was just after naptime when I arrived, and the children were picking up their rest things. Tomi was doing so very neatly, gently placing his blanket on the table and handing his rest mat to his teacher. When he was finished with this, he walked over to another child who was still sleeping. He knelt down and woke her up, saying "Hey, it's a wake-up time, wake up!† His friend stirred and woke up, and as soon as her eyes were open, he asked her if she needed his help. This showed me that Tomi is able to identify with others' needs, which places him at an advanced leve l within the context of Piaget's theories. At the pre-operational level, most children have difficulty identifying with others, but Tomi's tendency to be helpful without prompting shows that perhaps he is beginning to be able to take on others' perspectives. When Tomi began wandering around the room again, he found a few friends who were already awake and packed up, and started talking with them. The subject of Ninja Turtles came up, and Tomi talked about them animatedly. I was able to observe a great deal about his speech and language development during this time. Tomi uses full sentences of about 5 to 6 words each. He uses past tense correctly, talking about what one of the Ninja Turtles did during an episode of the cartoon. He is able to tell a simple story, using a two-sentence description of what one of the Turtles did in the same episode. In speech and language, Tomi appears to be at a normal developmental level. Snack time followed rest. Cheese and crackers were served, but T omi asked his teacher for only cheese because he didn't want the cracker. He made this request very politely, and his teacher was happy to oblige. This showed an ability to make requests to meet his needs and use polite terms like â€Å"please,† which he did, placing him at a developmentally appropriate level. When Tomi finished his snack, he found a cube of cheese on the floor and he ate it. He did this without seeming to perceive that anyone might not think it an appropriate thing to do; he didn't check to see if the teacher was looking or act secretive. Without knowing whether or not he has been told not to eat things off the floor, it is difficult to infer cognitive ability from this action. However, it does show an ability to reason logically: Cheese is tasty, that cheese is there, I will eat it. As the children cleaned up their snack, Christmas songs were playing in the background. When Tomi was finished cleaning, he started dancing around the room to the music. When hi s teacher noticed, she asked him to go back to his place. I couldn't help wishing she had complimented his dancing or remarked that he must be enjoying the music before she asked him to stop dancing. He seemed very free and excited, and I wanted someone to share his joy.  

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Elizabeth Costello in J.M Coetzees in relation to the theme of Kafkas works Essay Example for Free

Elizabeth Costello in J.M Coetzees in relation to the theme of Kafkas works Essay Elizabeth Costello is a humane, ethical and uncompromising creation of Coetzee. In Coetzee’s book The Lives of Animals, Costello is used to describe her dislike and rejection of the rationality of the criteria justifying the unequal treatment of animals. Costello claims that the purpose of the book is to clarify that to differentiate beings with regard of their species is a form of discrimination, indefensible and immoral. Costello also maintains that she had chosen the path not because she was not aware of the crucial kind of thoughts and sentiments of respect regarding other creatures, but because the reason was more universal and compelling to appeal. Costello maintains though she admired those who eliminated speciesism form their lives due to their compassionate regard for other creatures she did not believe a pressure to empathy and good-heartedness only would prove to majority of the people into the wrongness of speciesism. Nevertheless, the messages Costello portrays are not from the invisible world although from the invisible of this world most cases the voiceless like animals that she can access by imagination. She is not worried with other earthly, disembodied voices, although this-worldly, embodied and embedded voices, dead or alive perpetrators fictional or historical. The human critics such as Costello are opposed to the authority of the world of other world as he is to the powers of this world. Costello proclaims that there is not any salvation to be brought into being in an afterlife in immortality. Costello is midwife not to immortal Forms, although a mortal voices and to being of the voices. The power of imagination stays not only in its potential to stir up and listen to other voices and to enter into speaking for other including for the voiceless but also use narrative to depiction literature in the particular work of narrative that rationally is divine spark that raises mankind above the rest of nature therefore in showing our continuity with animal-kind which allows us to regain our death, our humanity and imperfectness. The similarities between Costello and Socrates are outstanding, and are more striking than their differences. Similar to Socrates, Costello attempts to prompt persons to realize their humanity, to open their hearts, to the anguish of animals. Costello just like Socrates is faced by unfairness, which in her case is the discrimination of specialism, which she attempts to dispel with counter-illusions. â€Å"What does one choose the side of justice when it is not in one’s material interest to? The magistrates give the rather Platonic answer: because we are born with the idea of justice. † (Paola, et al. , 95). In The Lives of Animals the disregarded has come to take account of non-human animals. Costello is convinced that there is a crime regarding animals as stupid that is perpetrated towards animals. Costello challenge is to attempt to extend justice to animals especially to those that resemble humans. In Socrates, Plato’s mouthpiece in the Republic, spends the whole discussion arguing for justice suggesting that it is better to live rightly and show to be unjust than being unjust with all material rewards that come by and yet show to be just, Costello ends her speech by saying that proof points in the opposite direction and that individuals can do anything and get away with it that there is no reprimand. In The Poets and the Animals Costello disapproves the ecological approach to animals suggested by Plato since Plato’s perception implies that only human beings can understand the position of living things in the entire picture of natural world and as a result solely have the right to manage animal populations not including human population. Therefore (Paola, et al. , 102), might have valid point which is that a person should not enforce principled vegetarianism on a society but its misdirected as a disapproval of the position of Costello since she had gone to the great lengths to disapprove reason as decisive criterion of moral worth and as an only means to live an ethical life. Costello maintains that it is not right to construe the animal rights movement like imposing vegetarianism upon free citizens. Instead it appears as protecting the interests and the rights of nonhuman animals, guarding animals form exploitation, though this might as well lead to outlawing the eating of meat. Nevertheless, is clear that just as Coetzee distrusts commitment to moral principles he is suspicious of certain notions of justice. Coetzee and Costello’s aim is to alter the heart of individuals through feeling, friction and compassionate imagination instead of enforcing a large-scale utopian changing of society as purportedly stated by reason. Costello is perceived as arrogantly superior and as heralding a foreign set of values that of fighting for animal rights in opposition to blindly anthropocentric culture, and both individuals made numerous enemies by courageously inquiring the prejudices of the people around them. The arrogance of Costello can be demonstrated by certain members his audience anger having their discrimination and lack of knowledge exposed. In addition, Costello seems to be earnestly attempting to break through the shadows of ignorance and prejudice with the light of her imaginative sympathy and is ready to admit that she dose not understand that she could be correct â€Å"Am I fantasizing it all? I must be mad! † (Derek, 69). Costello might be ironically aware that some of her images might be imaginative for example when she gives anthropomorphic feelings to ape, Sultan: â€Å"In his deepest being Sultan is not interested in the banana problem. Only the experimenter’s single-minded regimentation compels him on it. The question that truly occupies him, as it occupies a rat and the cat and other animal trapped in hell f the laboratory or the zoo, is: where is home, and how do I get there? † (Stephen, 69). Costello was attempting to get her audience to think, feel and imagine that in new ways about something persons do not care to regard at all, specifically their use and abuse of animals: certainly she desires people to imagine how it would experience in the place of an exploited animal a state of powerlessness. Costello believes the mission will awaken individuals form their assertive sleep. Costello does not attempt to reject the reason for the infallibility and its assertion to make a distinction between animals and human beings and therefore doe not give good reason for the exploitation of animals. In The Lives of Animals, Coetzee portrays Costello as a Socrates figure. The analysis starts with â€Å"What is Realism? † since it was first in 1997, prior to its publishing in Elizabeth Costello in 2003. The Socratic and Platonic ideologies are clearly evident in this story strengthens the contention that Costello plays a role as Socratic figure in The Lives of Animals. Certainly, Coetzee refers to this story in his fist foot note of The Lives of Animals therefore further sustaining this perspective. In â€Å"What is Realism? † Platonic ideas are crucial to the story. Even though Coetzee keeps interrupting his realist mode and drawing attention to the fact that it is an undertaking therefore suggesting that realism and certainly all fiction deals with imaginations and there are times the power of fiction to attain immortality is asserted though always ironical. The depiction to the monkeys echoes Costello’s discussion of Kafka’s ape, suggesting that artistic creation is what differentiates humans from other animals. The story of Socrates might also illuminate other features of Elizabeth Costello, as described in The Lives of Animals, namely her reference to her embodiedness and her mortality. A similar relationship takes place between Costello and Coetzee, and in spite of his undeniable intellectual contributions as a public thinker, Coetzee remains retiring and an imaginary figure. On the other hand Costello is depicted as heavily embodied throughout Elizabeth Costello and The Lives of Animals. Behind every dialogue of Plato Socrates emerges and there is a consciousness of the fact that Socrates will be executed by the Athenian democracy for impiety and corruption of the youth. The same feeling of Costello’s mortality, together with a declining sense of desire, accompanies all Coetzee’s works in which he is featured. Therefore when Costello cannot be regarded as a martyr for her beliefs as did the Socrates there is nevertheless a feeing in which she is dying for her beliefs. Costello’s own mortality and feeling of her mortality heightens her compassion for animals that are being bred in numerous numbers and when still healthy and young are being exploited for experimentation, hunting testing and slaughter. â€Å"After a long flight, Costello is looking at her age. She has never taken care of her appearance; she used to be able to get away with it; now it shows. Old and tired. † (Stephen, 3). These illustrations continue in the beginning of the first paragraph of The Lives of Animals: He is waiting at the gate when her flight comes in. Two years have passed since he last saw his mother; despite himself, he is shocked at how she has aged. Her hair, which had had sneaks of gray in it, now was entirely white; her shoulders stoop; her flesh has grown flabby. In Costello’s speeches death is recurrent topic, in a sense The Lives of Animals reads like a memento mori for Coetzee himself. John (Costello’s son) guesses that his mother was about to talk about death. John dose not enjoy Costello talking about death and in addition her audience who majority consists of young people do not want any talks regarding death. Costello goes ahead in comparing the mass killing of animals in abattoirs to the mass killings of Jews in Nazi death camps. All through her speech, Costello talk about and describes the Nazi death camps and she returns to discuss death while talking about Nagel’s bat-being. â€Å"What I know is what a corpse does not know: that it is extinct, that it knows nothing and will never know anything more. For an instant, before my whole structure of knowledge collapses in panic, I am alive inside that contradiction, dead and alive at the same time. † (Derek, 32). Costello’s talk about lives of animals can be more or less lessened to her own solitude, seclusion and awareness of her own human mortality and all that she required was compassionate interaction with other human beings. In Slow man Costello is illustrated as returning rejuvenated. In The Lives of Animals, when Costello starts her conversation, she returns to her use of Kafka earlier in another speech, â€Å"What is Realism? † in which she identifies with Kafka’s ape, Red Peter. In both cases Costello points her similarity with Red Peter in that they are both salaried entertainers performing before a literate audience. Afterwards in her speech, Costello returns again to Kafka, and uses the terminologyâ€Å" amanuensis† two times with reference to the association between Kafka and his imaginative creation, the ape Red Peter (Franz, 35). The meaning of â€Å"amanuensis† is a person employed to take dictation or to copy manuscripts. The use of the phrase is not usual since it implies that Kafka the author took dictation from Red Peters in his imaginative creation. The same case applies in the relation between the writer Coetzee and Costello his imaginative creation. In the two cases, the normal causal association between the author and the character, creature and creator is interchanged. Costello and Red Peters are used by the authors as creatures that have an artistic reliability, a life of their own, which the authors have represented faithfully. The authors have respected the individual beings and voices of these creations. The two creations are required to come across as living animals and not just the ideal of animals. In â€Å"What is Realism? † Costello disputes that the greatness of Kafka is that Kafka stays awake during the gaps when people are sleeping. † WORKS CITED Derek, Attridge, J. M. Coetzee and the Ethics of Reading: Literature in the Event. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2004. Stephen, Mulhall, The Wounded Animal: J. M. Coetzee the Difficulty of Reality in Literature and Philosophy. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2008. Paola, et al. , The Death of the Animal: A Dialogue, New York: Columbia University Press: 2009. Franz, Kafka, The Diaries of Franz Kafka 1910–23 . London: Vintage, 1999.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Malaysian Pharmaceutical Retail Industry Objective

Malaysian Pharmaceutical Retail Industry Objective The report aims to provide an overview retail pharmacy industry and evaluate factors that propel and restrain the market, government policies, sales trends, potential growth and market outlook. Challenges related to the pharmaceutical retail sector will be outlined and assessed, and insights into marketing plans being deployed to tap into available market opportunities in Malaysia will also be discussed. Malaysias retail pharmacy : an overview Malaysia comes in at fifth in healthcare expenditure when compared to select Asian nations, and is growing at approximately 13% annually (Frost Sullivan 2008). The total national expenditure on healthcare in 2009 exceeded USD 7 billion, and is projected to surpass USD 10 billion by 2020. Retail pharmacy sector presently however contributes only to 17% of the total expenditure only due to restrictions pertaining to government policies, profession workforce, and population perception. The retail pharmacy sector traditionally can be described using organization size and product/service mix criteria. Sole units are comprised primarily of independent pharmacies, usually owned by pharmacists. Multiple-unit pharmacy organizations, or chains, can be divided into small chain and large chain (e.g. 30 or more units). In addition to organization size, the retail pharmacy sector can be characterized by the product/service mix of the organizations, though there is some blurring of this distinction. Some traditional categories include, supermarket (e.g. AEON), and, beauty and healthcare stores (e.g. Guardian, Watsons). Pure drug store is virtually non-existent in the Malaysian retail pharmacy sector as a result of no dispensing separation between the pharmacists and medical practitioners whereby pharmaceutical products can be sold and dispensed by medical practitioners as well. Consequently, this policy, have and still negatively impacting the pharmacy profession practice and retail viability of pure drug store in Malaysia. Therefore, current retail pharmacies generally offer both pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical product/services to maintain viable in Malaysian market. The major participants in the Malaysian retail pharmacy scene are multinational corporations such as GCH Retail (M) Sdn Bhd and Watsons Personal Care Store, local companies such as Caring Pharmacy and Trustz Pharmacy, and a plethora of small independently operated pharmacies. In 2009, the multinationals, GCHs Guardian and Watsons collectively dominated 54% of the total market share whilst 46% was divided among local retail pharmacies as shown above (Euromonitor 2010). Generally experienced in dealing with large industries, these multinational corporations compared to the domestic counterparts, have the experties in handling processing, packaging, logistics, inventory management etc. In addition, they have the advantages of economies of scale, retailing of in-house brand, increase in market profit and share, and wider discount parameter for retail healthcare products. chapter 1 External and internal factors influencing retailers marketing strategies In this bearish economy, retailing in Malaysia recorded a downtempo in current value growth (CVG) in 2009 compared to previous year but still at a positive pace (Euromonitor 2010). GDP forecast was reevaluated in May 2009 from 4% to 5% decline for 2009 in light of deteriorating international economic outlook (Euromonitor 2010). While consumer confidence dwindled, discretionary spending was reduced but appeared willing to spend a little bit more during promotional period or turned to cheaper alternatives such as mid-priced/economical in-house brands or generic medications. With ongoing urbanization trend, higher education levels and better living standards generated greater enthusiasm among post recession shopperconsumers regarding self-medication. This further strengthened the importance of retail pharmacies as consumers were able to acquire OTC healthcare, nutritional products and prescription drugs from retail pharmacies. Overall trend of the retail pharmacy sector is gearing towards the sales of generics and OTCs in times of recession. Price of generics are generally lower, 27%-90%, compared to branded/innovator products (Shafie Hassali 2008). Therefore a more cost friendlier option for consumers whilst profit margins of generics are higher than branded/innovator products, which is favorable to retailers a win-win solution. However, sales of non-prescription products such as OTCs, TCMs, vitamins and supplements are still the main contributor to the retail pharmacys revenue at 79%. These products similarly are seeing growth in sales fueled by gains in cough, cold and allergy remedies, amid global slowdown since 2008. Having said so, retailers still employ different marketing strategies to distinguish themselves from existing competitors and attempt to reposition themselves as market leaders some successful while some struggled. Strategies pertaining to each of the different type of organizations will be further discussed as follow: Strategies employed by multinational corporation The multinationals (i.e Guardian, Watsons) have taken a broad spectrum approach by attempting to diversify from traditional dispensing services common to the concept of a pharmacy, into other other market segments regarding to general healthcare and beauty solution to penetrate into wider consumer segments during the time of recession. The retailers responded by engaging in regular promotions and extended sales period to encourage spending and offering a combination of both pharmaceutical services with beauty care. Rapid expansion strategies undertaken by leading chained retailers resulted in a substantial escalation in the chained store numbers in the nation. 2009 saw a slight improvement in the average selling space per outlet of beauty and health specialist retailers. More retailers began opening stores in shopping malls which were larger than their standalone establishments. Most beauty and health specialist retailers launch their retail chains in Klang Valley. This is largely due to greater purchasing power among urban consumers. Nonetheless, more beauty and health specialist retailers are expanding outside Klang Valley in order to serve the rising population and growing purchasing power of consumers in East Malaysia and secondary states. Launching of budget in-house brand is to cover a wider range of consumer segment. Guardian: target market, product and services, promotion GCH Retail (M) Sdn Bhd is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a Hong Kong based Dairy Farm International Holdings Ltd, listed on the Hang Seng Stock Exchange. Dairy Farm International Holdings Ltd is 78% owned by the Jardine Matheson Group, which is listed on the FTSE Stock Exchange in addition to secondary listings on the Singapore Straits and Bermuda Stock Exchanges (Euromonitor 2010). In Malaysia, the company is involved in the operation of Guardian pharmacy, Cold Storage supermarket and Giant hypermarket outlets. In 2009, as a result of its aggressive outlet expansion, with 20 new Guardian outlets, and proactive promotion including daily specials boosted the companys pharmaceutical market share to 35% Figure 2.0, occupying the largest cut of the retail pharmacy market segment. GCH Retails Guardian brand is leading the pack because the retail format is gradually becoming popular in Malaysia. For instance, Guardian spearheaded the concept of modern retail pharmacy by providing professional consultation and service by registered pharmacists, plus holistic health and personal care solution. GCH Retails in-house brand offers quality products at affordable prices because the companys in-house products are manufactured and sourced locally. Moreover, the company, targeting all consumer segment, from low to high income earners, was very aggressive in promoting its home brand products in terms of advertising and promotions, while also developing its product ranges. For instance, Guardian dedicated half a page or full-page advertisements in their in-store brochures or leaflets for their in-house brand products. GCH Retails share of in-house brand products has been growing steadily largely due to developing brand recognition as well as the wider range of items available. In response to the Malaysian governments support initiatives designed to spur small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in Malaysia, it is expected that the company will continue to source new products for its in-house brand lines. External and internal factors analysis External Internal Threats Economic slowdown Decentralized marketing function: inconsistent brand image Weaknesses Retracted consumer spending Increased rivalry between competitors Opportunities Import/Export: Malaysian Ringgit vs Hong Kong Dollar Good management: able to respond to market change Strength Change in consumers spending pattern Both external and internal factors influence how the company decides to operate. The external factors will be the same for all the market players. Watsons personal care store: target market, product and services, promotion Watsons Personal Care Stores (WPCS) is a subsidiary of the AS Watson Group which is wholly owned by the Hong Kong based Hutchison Whampoa Ltd listed on the Hang Seng Stock Exchange main board and has been in Malaysia since 1994. Being the largest beauty and health retail chain in Asia, in Malaysia, with 211 outlets nationwide following the successful merger and acquisition of Apex Pharmacy Sdn Bhd in Jun 2005, WPCS is one of the most accomplished personal care chain stores (Euromonitor 2010). In 2009, albeit with pharmaceutical value share of 19% Figure 2.0, due to increasing number of beauty and health specialist retailers, WPCS remained the largest community pharmacy retail chain in Malaysia. Having said so, continuous marketing efforts and promotions such as television advertisements, complimentary beauty and health information to consumers, and storewide 20% discount campaign, helped restrain its fall in value share. WPCS offers competitively priced and quality in-house brand products. Its in-house brand lines consist of a larger proportion of cosmetics and toiletries, disposable paper products, OTC healthcare products, bottled water and electrical items, is mainly designed for mass consumers, especially the budget end of the market. The company has been very active in pushing its in-house brand. For example, it has dedicated more shelf space in-store for its inhouse brand items. Coupled with growing brand recognition, as well as a wider range of products, the companys share of in-house brand has grown steadily. External and internal factors analysis External Internal Threats Economic slowdown Over expansion resulting in dissipated consumer services Weaknesses Retracted consumer spending Increased rivalry between competitors Opportunities Import/Export: Malaysian Ringgit vs Hong Kong Dollar Extensive outlet coverage nationwide Strength Change in consumers spending pattern Strategies employed by smaller pharmacy Marketing model of smaller pharmacies focus on establishing good rapport with its customer base and to provide individually customized pharmaceutical services for their clients to cater on the needs of selected consumer segments. The smaller retailers responded by provided extended hour services for the convenience of consumers after working hours access to pharmaceutical items and advice. Loyalty marketing is introduced to maintain or expand their customer base in light of even more competitive environment. A loyalty program may be specific to an individual retailer, or an independent coalition scheme involving a few partners. The latter model is gaining popularity in Malaysia and is established in Europe, Australia and Canada. Specialized services exclusive to pharmacy such as pre-packed dosettes medications to ensure better compliance to medicine, insulin dose adjustments for uncontrolled diabetes management and methadone replacement therapy for heroin dependent patient, cater to unique patients segment that is gradually increasing. Caring pharmacy: target market, product and services, promotion Caring Pharmacy Sdn Bhd is a group of pharmacies under one banner collectively shares the same supply and inventory management similar to that of chain stores, however each outlets are independently owned and operated by pharmacists. Caring Group currently have 46 registered pharmacists operating 40 outlets in Klang valley. Therefore giving the Group the highest number of pharmacist to outlet ratio among retail pharmacy operators in Malaysia. With market share of 12% in 2009 Figure 2.0, Caring is emerging fast as one of the most established local community retail pharmacy. Providing extended hour services from the early hours up to midnight proved to be a potent strategy in establishing its market share as it provides time flexibility to consumers. Caring offers professional consultation by registered pharmacists on uncomplicated ailments and medication management solutions such as pre-packed medications similar to the multi dose Webster-Pak ® for the consumers convenience. The group has been actively promoting its pharmacist consultation service. For instance, public awareness talks by pharmacists on health topics such as hypertension, diabetes, weight-management etc. are frequently organized. Launched in 2006, the first pharmacy reward program as a points accumulation and gift redemption card with Malaysias premier multi-party loyalty program BonusLink, enabled Caring to establish closer contact with their regular clients. External and internal factors analysis External Internal Threats Economic slowdown Too focused on domestic/localization growth Weaknesses Retracted consumer spending Increased rivalry between competitors Opportunities Change in consumers spending pattern Good corporate core value: pharmacist service for all consumer segments Strength chapter 2 Strategic recommendation for the retail pharmacy industry The Malaysian as well as the global economy continued to see tough times in 2009. Despite an unemployment rate that was on the rise and consumer spending falling, consumers remained largely loyal to established pharmacy names when it comes to fulfilling their healthcare needs. Some consumers also switched to self-medication in times of minor ailments as a bid to go back to work for fear that they might lose their jobs in the recession. Retail pharmacies are seeing an increase in consumer sales contribution of 0.2% for 2009 against 2008. This was largely due to the expansion of outlets such as Watsons which attracted consumer interest for its one-stop shopping. In 2007, the population in Malaysia was reported to be just over 27 million which, according to United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. By 2015, its projected that Malaysias population will reach more than 30.7 million. Currently, the country has relatively young population, with nearly 60% Malaysians below the age of 30 in 2007. Regardless, the population is steadily aging, with the median age of the population increasing from 22.5 years in 1995 to 24.6 years in 2007. The aging population in Malaysia, usually earning more than their younger counterparts and are usually relatively established in terms of family and home and more aware of their health status, is expected to drive consumer healthcare expenditure. Consumer of this category is expected to drive increased demand for medical and health-related products and services, including pharmaceuticals and OTC drugs, vitamins and dietary supplements, health drinks and medical equipment. On the other hand, its projected that still over one-half of the Malaysian population will be under 30 years-old in 2015 so, while there will be some new emphasis on products for older consumers, younger consumers will remain a potent force, exercising significant purchasing power and driving continuing demand for the wide range of youth oriented products. This category of consumers are becoming more health conscious, recent survey that 80% of fast moving consumer goods shoppers now think about their health more than they did before. Hence, this will spur demand for core healthcare products and influence sales in tangential sectors such as food and beverages, and healthcare services. Offer Mix : Product portfolio adjustment and pricing tactic Product portfolio adjustment As living costs, including healthcare costs, are expected to rise, consumers will be more endeavous to try out economical in-house brand products and self-medicate, respectively. Additionally, more consumers understand the helpfulness of vitamins and dietary supplements as preventative measures against environment, diet and age-related ailments such as joint and back pain, immune systems, osteoporosis and lack of balance nutritional values. The relatively fast growth rate of consumer healthcare sales was not equally spread among in-house brand lines. It should be noted that not all categories saw higher in-house brand growth, as some were mostly dependent on growth by branded products. Within consumer healthcare, in-house brand product line is expected to grow in wound treatment products such as sticking plasters and topical germicidal/antiseptic Figure 3.0, especially in the midst of an economic slowdown and an influenza A (H1N1) outbreak, respectively. Coupled with strict registration requirements in Malaysia for all medicines, either branded or generics, in-house brand is unlikely to perform well in consumer healthcare categories such as oral analgesics, cough, cold and allergy (hay fever) remedies or digestive remedies as consumers remained largely loyal to established brands mainly because these brands are long-time trusted names that consumers find most effective or have simply grown accustomed to purchasing. However, consumers will increasingly demand convenient and effective products so as to meet their increasingly stressful and busy lifestyles. Therefore, easy to apply or easy to use products such as Nexcare Acne Patch and Gaviscon Liquid Sachets are expected to attract consumer interest, especially among the younger generation of the population. Retailers will need to expand their consumer healthcare product ranges in order to maintain competitive in the market. However, retailers should focus on producing lower-cost and in-house branded products such as topical analgesics, antipruritics, other wound treatments, vitamins and dietary supplements, that enjoy strong demand among consumers. Pricing tactic Consumers will be shopping around for the best deals. It is not necessary for retailers to cut list prices, but may offer more short termed price promotions, lower quantity threshold discounts, provide credit to long-standing customers, and more aggressively price smaller pack sizes. In tough times, price cuts attract more consumer support than promotions such as mail in offers and sweepstakes. Promotion mix : conventional advertising and online marketing Despite the growth of electronic communications, printed newsletter and television still play an important role in Malaysians daily life and their pursuit of information and entertainment. As shown in Figure 4.0, printed adspend dominated 54% followed by television adspend at 37% of the total adspend respectively for the year 2009. Major newspapers include three English-language dailies, two Malay-language dailies, five Chinese-language dailies, and two Tamil-language dailies. The Malaysian has a wide range of magazines covering lifestyle, fashion, business, and special interest topics such as fishing, motoring, health and wellness and childcare. Magazines in Malaysia are usually published on a fortnight or monthly basis and are available via subscription, at retail outlets, convenience shops and small grocery stores. The internet has had a significant impact on Malaysia over the past several years. The number of internet users grew from nearly five million users in 2000 to more than 12 million users in 2007, reflecting growth of 144%. Just as significantly, the household penetration rate of personal computers in Malaysia increased from 13.5% in 1995 to 34.7% in 2007. Tethered with such growth, online adspend recorded 72% spike growth from 2007-2009, and is expected to continue capturing readership share at the expense of printed media, in-line with household penetration rate of internet-enabled computers increases in Malaysia. Mobile advertising will be in vogue as internet handheld devices gains market penetration, particularly among the younger population. Advertising platforms such as Apples iAd is a prime example of cutting-edge mobile advertising where advertisements are not just informative but interactive as well. Advertisements of this kind, can be updated real time by retailers with short-term sales promotion similar to Malaysia Airlines Lunch-hour flight deals or provide interactive online shopping experience, will revolutionize conventional concept of promotional advertising. Hence, internet will have an impact on how retailers attempt to reach Malaysian consumers and, in a less significant but nevertheless growing way presently on how Malaysians shop. However, as in most countries, online advertising and internet retailing is expected to increase. conclusion Consumers in Malaysia are changing their healthcare shopping behavior in various ways at times of recession. While many opted for other more economical retailers, there are some who remained loyal to their preferred retailers while reducing the number of trips and spending. They are more comfortable in seeking out deals and using coupons, and will purchase both in-house brands or branded products whichever provides the best value. Definition of value is also changing. Previously, value is often perceived as quality and options, but during recession this is synonymous with price, while moving out of recession, value will mean that consumers get what they want at the best possible price. Pharmacy retailers can capitalize on consumers needs by providing increased personalized marketing and shopping experience. Consumers are shifting towards meaningful and unique shopping experience, particularly in purchasing healthcare items. Consumer in control Present consumers know are clear of what they want and many will go the distance in search of the best offers, some consumers, due to their lifestyle fluidity simply require products that satisfy their needs. Mobile shopping will be the next frontier for retailers to venture into as on-the-go consumers who emphasize on shopping convenience and speed of transactions. Pharmacy retailers can tap into this market and formulate marketing plans unique to loyal mobile shoppers. Conventional in-store consumers are bombarded with too much product information creating confusion and delaying purchases. Retailers and manufacturers should collaborate to satisfy consumers needs such as using attractive colors and creating simplistic product packaging to facilitate consumers search for healthcare products. Retailers diversify and re-brand to stay relevant Pharmacy retailers diversifying into in-house product line will need to factor in consumers shopping preference on established branded healthcare products when formulating in-house product marketing plans. Many consumers maintained loyalty to established brands due to familiarity to a product or confident with its effectiveness. However, in-house branded product line such as wound care, vitamin and supplements are projected to grow due to regional disease outbreak and economic downtempo. New and improve in-house product lines with convenience in mind such as topical analgesics and sachet digestive remedies will appeal to consumers particularly the younger customers. Retailers may need to revamp certain product lines with new design, improve in-house brand offers and a compelling ad-campaign, to appeal to younger consumers. Future of retail pharmacy Retail pharmacy landscape is shifting largely attributed to economic changes, the growth of online retailing and more recently mobile commerce. With increasing use of smart handheld devices in Malaysia, mobile advertising and commerce is projected to grow substantially. Retailers will have to employ a multi-channel marketing approach. Online retailing will provide a platform for retailers disseminate unique and targeted product offers for consumers to research, plan their shopping trips and ultimately attract consumers into stores. Once in store, consumers will look for premium service coupled with simplified shopping experience in terms of product availability and ease of locating the products. Now more than ever consumers becoming more sophisticated and informed in making choices. They desire to know the origin of the product, what they are made of and how their lives can be improved with them. In general, future consumer wants a simplified, personalized and meaningful shopping exp erience with a focus on value.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Importance of Birth Control :: Contraceptives, Birth Control Essays

We have all heard sad stories of unwanted teenage pregnancies. There are the girls who drop out of school to care for babies they did not really want, having to work to support their unexpected new "families." There are the guys who marry before they are ready and perhaps to wives they would not otherwise have married-so often these marriages end in divorce. Most tragic of all, though, are the children who grow up knowing that they were not wanted in the first place, knowing that they were more a burden to their parents than a joy even before they were born. Clearly, we as a society need to get a grip on this problem of teenage pregnancy, and the obvious solution is to encourage teens to be responsible and practice birth control. But we face so many choices in deciding which type of birth control to use. Condoms? IUDs? Diaphragms? DepoProvera injections? "The Pill"? Abortion? Abstinence? Which method of birth control is the most practical and the most likely to provide a legitimate s olution to the problem of teenage pregnancy?      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Far and away the most common method of birth control today is the birth control pill. The pill is relatively easy to obtain through Planned Parenthood clinics, the price is not unreasonable, and the pill has an excellent record of success in pregnancy prevention. However, the pill places all the burden of birth control on women, and although it is usually the women who have the most to lose in unwanted pregnancy, shouldn't [GR#1] men take some of the responsibility for birth control, too? Plus, the pill is something that users must remember to take every day, even if they do not engage in sex for months or years. The pill may have the added advantages of making menstrual cycles more regular, and decreasing the sometimes painful intensity of a woman's periods, but as far as being purely a method of birth control, the pill has drawbacks, too. Besides being something that the user must remember to take each and every day regardless of the frequency of sexual activity, being on the pill involves visits to the doctor's office or to Planned Parenthood with annual or even more frequent exams and tests that may be unpleasant and cost more money.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Diaphragms? IUDs? DepoProvera Injections? These methods, too, place all the burden of birth control on the woman.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Range Rover Sport vs. Jeep Cherokee Srt8

I absolutely love Jeep and Land Rovers. I like the SUV type vehicles that are built for luxury. I believe that a Range Rover Sport is better than a Jeep Cherokee SRT8. Both SUV’s are practical. They seat five for extraordinary fast car-pooling. They also have lots of cargo space for groceries, or anything else. The Cherokee SRT8 has a 6. 1-liter hemi. Jeep design motif was to stuff a huge engine into an unsuspecting vehicle. The engine makes 420 horsepower and 420 pounds-foot torques. The Cherokee is powerful enough to get from zero to sixty miles per hour in 4. seconds. The Jeep takes 136 ft. to stop from zero to sixty.The Range Rover Sport is a super 4. 2 liter Range Rover with a supercharge. The Sport can go from zero to sixty in 6. 82 seconds, just two seconds shy of the Cherokee. The supercharge in the engine makes 320 horsepower and 410 pound-foot torque. In the break test, the Range Rover stops from zero to sixty in just 117 ft. smoothly. The sport beats the Jeep in of roading. Range Rover Sport offers five different modes for of roading.The Range Rover Sport is a bit more expensive than the Jeep Cherokee SRT8. In my opinion, the Jeep is really good with its power and torque. The Ranger Rover Sport has a better ride than the SRT8. The ride is smoother and even better at off roading with five different off roading modes. I was fortunate enough to actually drive both SUV’s. I prefer the Range Rover Sport than the Cherokee SRT8. The Sport offers a ride like no other car or SUV I have driven. The ride is so smooth; it is like riding on air.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Impact of Information Technology on Education essays

Impact of Information Technology on Education essays When I was informed that I was going to speak about I.T., I felt excited and apprehensive at the same time. Excited, because this is a subject that is very close to my heart and which I strongly advocate. Apprehensive, because I am not sure if I will be able to effectively share with you the impact technology has on learning. But I guess I will never know unless I try. What I am about to present today is a result of the countless hours I spent on the Internet. Actually, I was supposed to discuss mutli-media instruction only, but I believe that multi-media is only one of several technology tools available for us now. And these is collectively called as Information Technology. So for starters, let me present to you a simple definition of Information Technology: I.T. is the process of using technology in all forms to present information to a target audience. Video recorder, players and televisions Now I am sure that all of us, in our years as college instructors have, in one way or another, used at least one of the technology listed here. Technology is being used in education as a tool for learning, collaboration, curriculum development, and staff development. Technology is a very powerful tool. But how do we know that were making the best use of technology? How can we be sure that were using technology to support what we know about how students learn best? How can we make sure that technology supports engaged learning? Learning according to modern definition, is determined by how well students perform on standardized tests. To be able to meet the demands of present times, a new definition of learning is required. According to the North Central Regional Educational Laboratory, researchers and traditional reformers have shifted from traditional defini ...